作者 主题: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)  (阅读 6800 次)

副标题: 魔法物品(Magic Items)章节中奇物部分

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 09:49:19 »
奇物(Wondrous Items)

表格1-9:奇物(Wondrous Items)
次级次等奇物(Lesser Minor Item)价格(Price)
位面缠带(Planar strap) 500 GP
变换披风+1(Protean cloak +1) 500 GP
异界答复透镜(Lens of otherworldly answers) 1,150 GP
荆棘炸弹(Briar bomb) 1,250GP
羽光罗盘(Featherlight compass) 1,500 GP
变换披风+2(Protean cloak +2) 2,000 GP
黄昏饰物(Crepuscular trinket) 2,500 GP
高级次等奇物(Greater Minor Item)价格(Price)
乡土时计(Homebound timepiece) 4,000 GP
变换披风+3(Protean cloak +3) 4,500 GP
魂抄羽笔(Soul scribe quill) 4,500 GP
次级中等奇物(Lesser Medium Item)价格(Price)
变换披风+4(Protean cloak +4) 8,000 GP
受膏者圣徽(Anointed holy symbol) 10,000 GP
兔王子面具(Mask of the rabbit prince) 12,000 GP
传送门发现手套(Portal-finding gloves) 12,500 GP
变换披风+5(Protean cloak +5) 12,500 GP
星仪(Astralabe) 16,000 GP
位面钥石(Planar keystone) 16,200 GP
高级中等奇物(Greater Medium Item)价格(Price)
位面锚定之靴(Boots of planar grounding) 25,000 GP
过梁石(Lintel stone) 26,000 GP
次级高等奇物(Lesser Major Item)价格(Price)
远行者面具(Mask of the far traveler) 38,000 GP

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 09:58:37 »
受膏者圣徽(Anointed Holy Symbol)
栏位:无;价格:10,000 GP;重量:1磅
这种空心圣徽有一个旨在盛装一剂圣水的储液器。当储液器处于其对应神袛的母位面,并以一个整轮动作填充一剂圣水时,圣徽会被赋予额外的力量。每当一个填充后受膏者圣徽被用于引导能量(channel energy)时,其使用者可以标准形式的引导能量,或使用基于一种适用于她神袛扩展的变体引导能量,这要在每次使用受膏者圣徽时进行选择。该使用者不能同时使她引导的能量应用超过一种变体引导能量能力。一个受膏者圣徽可保持3天的充能,之后里面的圣水被消耗,而储液器会再次被清空。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),祝圣术(consecrate);
制造成本:5,000 GP

栏位:无;价格:16,000 GP;重量:3磅
星仪本质上是一种跨位面指南针(extraplanar compass):一种位面的探索者们可用于在没有适用的基础方位及物理法则的国度中定位自己的装置。该装置创造了北东南西的抽象概念,以及上下、内外、前后、过去、未来、和其他各种有助于在位面间导航的其他方位。尽管有着不同的外观差异,但星仪有着统一的内部设计,总的来说,它提供了始终如一的适用方位。因此,允许旅行者就像有一个始终如一的北极一般,可在没有磁极或地形多变的情况下导航的星仪,使得许多(即使不是大多数)位面地图绘制员在绘制地图时使用它们。该装置会保持恒定的方向,但不会调整或绕过危险或显示特定路径。任何不处于物质位面并使用星仪的生物,在尝试一次知识、生存、或类似的技能检定以导航时,可在该次检定获得+4加值。

此外,星仪可以帮助一名旅者做好前往另一个位面的准备。该装置可以读取传送门(portals)、异界之门(gates)、或其他位面间的连接的辐射(emanations),并于装置表面显示它们。这种显示可理解为一次成功的知识(位面)检定。一名使用者通常必须在一次DC 25的的知识(位面)检定成功才能正确的读取星仪,尽管半位面和不熟悉的国度可能拥有更高的DC或者产生不确定的结果。那些成功者会获悉传送门对面位面的名字,尽管不会获得该传送门在位面的确切位置——在位面被分成多个部分的情况下,它不会显示阶(tiers)、层(layers)或子国度(subrealms)。那些在检定中失败者无法分辨出对面是什么位面。那些在检定中失败10点及以上者会错误的识别对面的位面,而这次错误信息的细节由GM决定。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),指北术(know direction),不能在物质位面制造;
制造成本:8,000 GP

【PFS】位面锚定之靴(Boots of Planar Grounding)
栏位:脚部;价格:25,000 GP;重量:-磅
这种沉重的铁底靴子将穿戴者和她所在的位面链接在一起。不论该穿戴者处于哪个位面,她总是视为处于其母位面,并且她永远不会获得跨位面亚种(extraplanar subtype)。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),次元锚(dimensional anchor);
制造成本:12,500 GP

【PFS】荆棘炸弹(Briar Bomb)
栏位:无;价格:1,250 GP;重量:1磅
通常被第一世界的居民所制作,这种松果状的荆棘结可以作为溅射武器(splash weapon)投掷,射程增量为10尺。荆棘炸弹着陆点20尺范围内的区域会爆发出浓密多刺的荆棘(硬度5,生命值15)以阻碍处于该区域的生物。只要有垂直的生长空间,荆棘可以延伸到20英尺高。荆棘不会遮挡视觉线,但荆棘可以对穿过它们的攻击提供掩蔽(cover)。

穿过该荆棘的生物在该区域内每移动5尺就会受到1d4点穿刺伤害。此外,每名试图穿过该荆棘的生物都必须在DC 20反射豁免中成功,否则就会在该位置被纠缠(entangled)。被纠缠的生物可以以一个整轮动作在一次DC 20的力量检定或脱逃检定成功,来从荆棘中挣脱出来。被困在荆棘中的生物可以选择保持静止以避免受到更多伤害。一名生物可以以一个整轮动作尝试一次敏捷检定,在不受到伤害或纠缠风险的情况下缓慢地穿过这一片荆棘地。敏捷检定的结果超过10的每5点,该生物可以移动5尺(至多可达到其正常速度)。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),纠缠术(entangle),植物滋长(plant growth);
制造成本:625 GP

【PFS】黄昏饰物(Crepuscular Trinket)
栏位:颈部;价格:4,000 GP;重量:-磅
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),舞光术(dancing lights),黑暗术(darkness);
制造成本:2,000 GP

【PFS】羽光罗盘(Featherlight Compass)
栏位:无;价格:1,500 GP;重量:-磅
这个指南针(compass)的部件质量是如此之高以至于其几乎没有重量。当处于一个目标指向重力(subjective directional gravity)并持有其于手中时,持有者可在转换重力指向的智力检定中自动成功,并且在他转换其重力指向后的第1轮可增加或减少30尺跌落速度。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),指北术(know direction);
制造成本:750 GP

【PFS】乡土时计(Homebound Timepiece)
栏位:无;价格:4,000 GP;重量:1/2磅
只有当这个复杂的黄铜时计处于物质位面时才能上发条。在任何其他位面给乡土时计上发条的尝试都会失败,其发条旋针的顺转和逆转都会无效。给一个乡土时计上发条是个需要10分钟的艰难过程,但此后它会在接下来的10天内保持准确的时间,如同其时间在物质位面流逝一样。如果乡土时计被带到了一个不规则时间(erratic time)或流动时间(flowing time)特性的位面的话,它的速率会根据需要变快或变慢,准确度量其在物质位面相对时间的经过(例如,如果它被带到了一个1天时间等于物质位面1轮时间的位面时,该时计的速度会大大减缓,并且在该位面会工作近40年才转动主物质位面的1天)。如果果乡土时计被带到了一个无时间(timeless)特性的位面的话,它会立即无害地放松自己的发条。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),预言术(divination);
制造成本:2,000 GP

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 10:08:49 »
【PFS】异界答复透镜(Lens of Otherworldly Answers)
栏位:无;价格:1,150 GP;重量:1/2磅
这种多面棱镜可在充当专注的辅助。它可以作为望气(read aura)神秘技能解放的器材,使得望气所需时间从10分钟减少到5分钟。当被异能生物持有时,异界答复透镜会在小范围发光,使其10尺半径内的光照等级提升一级(黑暗变昏暗,而昏暗变常光)。该透镜不能将光照等级提升到常光以上。其光源的颜色会根据异能生物当时的主要情绪状态的不同而变化(Occult Adventures, 199),在没有明显情绪状态的情况下默认为柔和的白光。

此外, 在向神秘莫测的异界伟力提问以及从中获得的答复方面上,持有者获得了特别的洞察力。当施展异界探知(contact other plane)并将其作为额外材料成分消耗时(这会导致透镜破碎成毫无价值的水晶碎片),其所有者可尝试一次魅力检定、智力检定、或感知检定(而不是仅能尝试智力检定)来避免该法术使智力和魅力降低的风险。此外,在确定所联系的存在说出真实答案、不知道、谎言、或随机回答时,其所有者可在此百面骰中减去1d10(至少为1)。如果其所有者与所联系的存在处于相同位面的话,她在该百面骰中可减去额外1d10.
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),异界探知(contact other plane);
制造成本:575 GP

【PFS】过梁石(Lintel Stone)
栏位:无;价格:26,000 GP;重量:12磅
这种厚重的花岗岩砖在被固定在门、窗或类似门户的顶部,并且用一个标准动作以一根可充当异界传送(plane shift)法术器材成分的分叉金属杆接触调谐之前,不会有任何效果。一旦以这种方式激活后,过梁石可在门户上保持附着,无视重力且在1分钟内无法移除。在此期间,步入门户的生物必须在DC 17的意志豁免中成功,否则会被调往分叉金属杆所调谐的位面。所有旅者会出现在相同的位置,步出到目的位面某处的另一个门户(这可能是一个适合该目的位面的一处人造门户或一道天然拱门)。与异界传送(plane shift)不同,激活过梁石的生物无法控制目的位面上的抵达地点,尽管此门户通常处于一处类似的区域(例如,一处城镇中的门户,可能是在一个城市中被激活的)。无论激活它的生物当前所处的位置或位面,被激活1分钟后,过梁石会消失,然后重新出现在激活它的生物所占据之处。一块过梁石每日可被激活1次。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),异界传送(plane shift);
制造成本:13,000 GP

【PFS】远行者面具(Mask of the Far Traveler)
栏位:头部;价格:38,000 GP;重量:1/2磅
这张革制的半脸面具遮住穿戴者的口鼻,掩盖了她的唇部动作但不会掩盖她的声音。处于其母位面并且拥有一种语言的生物,可以理解穿戴者所说的所有话,就好像穿戴者的话是用倾听生物的母语所说的一样。此外,由于该面具有效而巧妙地复制了当地俗语,其穿戴者在交涉检定和说谎时的唬骗检定上获得+5表现加值(competence bonus)。远行者面具处于物质位面时不会起效。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),巧言术(tongues);
制造成本:19,000 GP

【PFS】兔王子面具(Mask of the Rabbit Prince)|本条翻译致谢 沉沦
栏位:头部;价格:12,000 GP;重量:1/2磅
这张七彩斑斓的面具让人联想到哈啰国度(Harrowed Realm)的兔王子(Rabbit Prince)。它遮住穿戴者的上半张脸,刻画出一只兔子坚决果敢的形象,当然也包括那对毛茸茸的大耳朵。虽然这张面具的构造看起来十分脆弱,但它其实跟铁一样坚实(硬度10)。兔王子面具赋予穿戴者一股蛮勇之器,使穿戴者在先攻检定和对抗恐惧效果的豁免检定上获得+2士气加值。此外,穿戴者在尝试以特技检定进行跳跃时,总是视为已助跑。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),跳跃术(jump),移除恐惧(remove fear);
制造成本:6,000 GP

【PFS】位面钥石(Planar Keystone)
栏位:无;价格:16,200 GP;重量:2磅
位面钥石是个刻有符文的小立方体。每块位面钥石都与一处特定位面的具体位置调谐——此位置必须在创造位面钥石时确定,此后不能更改。任何生物都可以以一次成功的DC 20的知识(位面)检定,来通过调查其被铭刻的图案以确定所调谐的位面和位置。每日1次,位面钥石20尺内的至多8名智慧生物,能够专注于其上被铭刻的图案1分钟。这种专注是脆弱的;如果在此期间任何专注中的生物受到攻击或暂停专注而采取其他行动的话,那么所有参与者的专注都会被打破,而位面钥石会失去当日的使用次数。在1分钟专注时间后,如同一道异界传送(plane shift),所有专注于位面钥石的生物会被传送至位面钥石所调谐的位置,但会准确的抵达目标位置。位面钥石会与生物一同旅行——在该过程中它不会离开这些生物。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),异界之门(gate);
制造成本:8,100 GP

【PFS】位面缠带(Planar Strap)
栏位:无;价格:500 GP;重量:-磅
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),位面适应(planar adaptation);
制造成本:250 GP

【PFS】传送门发现手套(Portal-Finding Gloves)
栏位:无;价格:12,500 GP;重量:-磅
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),侦测魔法(detect magic),预言术(divination);
制造成本:6,250 GP

【PFS】变换披风(Protean Cloak)|本条翻译致谢 愤怒的书页
栏位:肩部;价格:500 GP(+1加值),2,000 GP(+2加值),4,500 GP(+3加值),8,000 GP(+4加值),12,500 GP(+5加值);重量:1磅
这些多彩的披风就像其灵感来源幻蛇(proteans)一样易变。典型的变换披风由纳乌奈特幻蛇(naunet protean)皮制成,但不管由什么材料制作,变换披风都会闪烁着五彩斑斓的光芒。虽然材料摸起来有凹凸不平的鳞片状质感,但变换披风能像丝绸一样流动,并且不会妨碍任何移动。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),熵光护盾(entropic shield),提升抗力(resistance),制造者必须是混乱阵营,制造者的施法者等级必须达到披风加值的3倍;
制造成本:250 GP(+1加值),1,000 GP(+2加值),2,250 GP(+3加值),4,000 GP(+4加值),6,250 GP(+5加值)

【PFS】魂抄羽笔(Soul Scribe Quill)
栏位:无;价格:4,500 GP;重量:-磅
这根精致的红黑色羽毛笔含有无尽的如同鲜血一般的红墨水。每日1次,当其5尺内有一名-1或更低生命值的活物时,其持有者可以以一个标准动作激活这根羽毛笔,在空中写下一个简短的句子,以描述这个濒死的生物的死亡。如果其受害者在一次DC 15的意志检定中失败,它就会死亡,而其持有者在唬骗、交涉、和察言观色检定上获得+5亵渎加值(profane bonus),类法术能力的施法者等级会获得+1亵渎加值(profane bonus),并且魅力值也会获得+2增强加值(enhancement bonus),其受害者每拥有1个生命骰,效果就会持续10分钟。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),死亡丧钟(death knell),甜言蜜语(honeyed tongue);
制造成本:2,250 GP
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-19, 周二 07:58:35 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 10:09:33 »
劇透 -   :
Wondrous items are diverse in nature. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be owned and utilized to take effect. “Wondrous item” is a catchall category for anything that doesn’t fall into another group such as staves or weapons. Anyone can use a wondrous item unless the item specifies otherwise. There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless. Slotted items take up a magic item slot and must be worn by those who want to benefit from them.

Table 1–9: Wondrous Items
Lesser Minor Item Price
Planar strap 500 gp
Protean cloak +1 500 gp
Lens of otherworldly answers 1,150 gp
Briar bomb 1,250 gp
Featherlight compass 1,500 gp
Protean cloak +2 2,000 gp
Crepuscular trinket 2,500 gp
Greater Minor Item Price
Homebound timepiece 4,000 gp
Protean cloak +3 4,500 gp
Soul scribe quill 4,500 gp
Lesser Medium Item Price
Protean cloak +4 8,000 gp
Anointed holy symbol 10,000 gp
Mask of the rabbit prince 12,000 gp
Portal-finding gloves 12,500 gp
Protean cloak +5 12,500 gp
Astralabe 16,000 gp
Planar keystone 16,200 gp
Greater Medium Item Price
Boots of planar grounding 25,000 gp
Lintel stone 26,000 gp
Lesser Major Item Price
Mask of the far traveler 38,000 gp

Anointed Holy Symbol
Source Planar Adventures pg. 52
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This hollow holy symbol includes a reservoir meant to contain a dose of holy water. When the reservoir is filled on the home plane of its corresponding deity with a dose of holy water as a full-round action, the symbol becomes charged with additional power. Each time a filled anointed holy symbol is used to channel energy, the user can use the standard form of channel energy or use variant channeling based on one aspect of her deity’s portfolio, selected each time the anointed holy symbol is used. The user cannot apply more than one variant channeling ability to her channeled energy at one time. An anointed holy symbol remains charged for 3 days, after which time the holy water within is consumed and the reservoir is empty again.

Anointed unholy symbols also exist for evil deities; they must be filled with unholy water to function but otherwise operate just as an anointed holy symbol.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate; Cost 5,000 gp

Source Planar Adventures pg. 52, Lost Treasures pg. 16
Aura moderate divination; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
An astralabe is essentially an extraplanar compass: a device that explorers of the planes can use to orient themselves in realms without shared cardinal directions or physical laws. The device creates an abstraction of north, east, south, and west, as well as up, down, in, out, back, forward, past, future, and a variety of other directions that can prove helpful in navigating the planes. Despite diverse cosmetic differences, astralabes share a uniform internal design and, by and large, give consistent, shared directions. As such, many—if not most— planar cartographers utilize astralabes when creating maps, allowing travelers to navigate lands without magnetic poles or with malleable terrains as though there were one consistent north. The device keeps a constant orientation, but it does not adjust or circumvent hazards or show particular paths. Any creature not on the Material Plane who employs an astralabe while attempting a Knowledge, Survival, or similar skill check to navigate gains a +4 bonus on that check.

Additionally, an astralabe can aid a traveler in preparing to travel to another plane. The device can read emanations from portals, gates, and other connections between the planes and display them upon its surface. These displays can be interpreted with a successful Knowledge (planes) check. A user must typically succeed at a DC 25 Knowledge (planes) check to correctly read an astralabe, though demiplanes and stranger realms might require a higher DC or yield inconclusive results. Those who succeed learn the name of the plane beyond the portal, though not the portal’s exact location upon that plane—it doesn’t reveal tiers, layers, or subrealms, in the case of planes divided into multiple parts. Those who fail the check are unable to tell what plane lies beyond. Those who fail the check by 10 or more incorrectly identify what plane lies beyond, with the details of this misinformation determined by the GM.

Astralabes generally don’t function on the Material Plane, shutting down and emanating an aura of only faint divination. However, should one be brought within 20 feet of a portal or similar passage to another plane, it becomes active for as long as it remains nearby. An astralabe operates continuously while on any plane other than the Material Plane.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, know direction, cannot be created on the Material Plane; Cost 8,000 gp

  Boots of Planar Grounding
Source Planar Adventures pg. 53
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot feet; Price 25,000 gp; Weight —
These heavy, iron-soled boots link the wearer with the plane she is on. The wearer always counts as being on her home plane, regardless of the plane she is on, and she never gains the extraplanar subtype.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor; Cost 12,500 gp

  Briar Bomb
Source Planar Adventures pg. 53
Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 1,250 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Often crafted by denizens of the First World, this pinecone shaped knot of briars can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. The area within a 20-foot radius of where the briar bomb lands erupts with thick, thorny brambles (hardness 5, hp 15) that hinder creatures in the area. The briars extend to 20 feet high, so long as there is vertical space for this growth. The briars do not block vision, but they provide cover against attacks made through them.

A creature moving through the briars takes 1d4 points of piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement through the area. In addition, each creature trying to move through the briars must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or become entangled in place. Entangled creatures can break free of the briars as a full-round action with a successful DC 20 Strength check or Escape Artist check. A creature trapped in the briars can opt to remain motionless in order to avoid taking any more damage. A creature can try to pick its way slowly through a field of briars without taking damage or risking entanglement by attempting a Dexterity check as a full-round action. For every 5 points by which the result exceeds 10, the creature can move 5 feet (up to its normal speed).

Once a briar bomb is thrown, it is destroyed.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, plant growth; Cost 625 gp

  Crepuscular Trinket
Source Planar Adventures pg. 53
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 4,000 gp; Weight —
This simple necklace contains an hourglass-shaped pendant with one black half and one white half. Once per day, the wearer can speak a command word to gain spell resistance 15 against spells and spell-like abilities with the light or shadow descriptors, as well as spells and spell-like abilities of the shadow subschool. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights, darkness; Cost 2,000 gp

  Featherlight Compass
Source Planar Adventures pg. 53
Aura faint divination; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 1,500 gp; Weight —
This compass’s components are so fine that it is practically weightless. When held in the hand in an area of subjective directional gravity, the bearer automatically succeeds at Wisdom checks to change direction and can increase or decrease his falling speed by 30 feet during the first round after he changes his subjective gravitational direction.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, know direction; Cost 750 gp

  Homebound Timepiece
Source Planar Adventures pg. 53
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This complicated brass chronometer can be wound only while on the Material Plane. Attempts to wind a homebound timepiece on any other plane simply fail, with the winding pin spinning and turning without effect. Winding a homebound timepiece is an arduous process that requires 10 minutes, but it thereafter keeps accurate time for the next 10 days, as time passes on the Material Plane. If a homebound timepiece is taken to a plane with the erratic time or flowing time traits, it speeds up or slows down as necessary to accurately measure the passage of relative time on the Material Plane (for example, if it is taken to a plane where 1 day is equal to 1 round on the Material Plane, the timepiece slows down considerably and functions for nearly 40 years). If the homebound timepiece is taken to a plane with the timeless trait, it is immediately but harmlessly unwound.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, divination; Cost 2,000 gp

  Lens of Otherworldly Answers
Source Planar Adventures pg. 54
Aura strong divination; CL 13th
Slot none; Price 1,150 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This multifaceted prism acts as an aid in concentration. It can be used as a focus for the read aura occult skill unlock to reduce the time needed to read an aura from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. When held by psychic creatures, a lens of otherworldly answers emits light in a small area, increasing the light level in a 10-foot-radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light). The lens cannot increase the light level above normal light. The color of the light produced varies according to the psychic creature’s predominant emotional state at the time (Occult Adventures, 199), defaulting to soft white light in the case of no significant emotional state.

In addition, the owner gains special insight into questions asked and answers received from inscrutable planar powers. When expended as an additional material component when casting contact other plane (which causes the lens to crumble into valueless shards of crystal) the owner can attempt a Charisma check, Intelligence check, or Wisdom check (instead of being able to attempt only an Intelligence check) to avoid the Intelligence and Charisma drain risked by the spell. In addition, the owner subtracts 1d10 from the percentage roll (to a minimum of 1) for determining whether a contacted entity tells the truth, doesn’t know, lies, or provides a random answer. If the owner is on the same plane as the entity being contacted, she subtracts an additional 1d10 from the percentage roll.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, contact other plane; Cost 575 gp

  Lintel Stone
Source Planar Adventures pg. 54
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 26,000 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
This heavy granite brick has no effect until it is held at the top of a door, window, or similar portal and touched with a forked metal rod attuned to serve as the focus component for a plane shift spell as a standard action. Once activated in this manner, the lintel stone remains affixed to the portal, in defiance of gravity, and cannot be removed for 1 minute. During this time, creatures stepping through the opening must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or be shunted to the plane to which the metal rod is attuned. All travelers appear in the same location, stepping out of another portal somewhere on the destination plane (which might be a constructed doorway or a natural arch, as befits the destination plane). Unlike with plane shift, the creature activating a lintel stone has no control over the arrival point on the destination plane, although the portal is usually in a similar area (such as an urban one, if activated in a city). One minute after activation, the lintel stone disappears, reappearing among the possessions of the creature that activated it, regardless of the current location or plane of that creature. A lintel stone can be activated once per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Cost 13,000 gp

  Mask of the Far Traveler
Source Planar Adventures pg. 54
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot head; Price 38,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather half-mask covers the wearer’s nose and mouth, obscuring her lip movements but not her voice. Creatures that are on their native plane and have a language understand all words spoken by the wearer, as though her words were spoken in the listening creature’s native tongue. In addition, because the mask replicates local idioms efficiently and skillfully, the wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and on Bluff checks to tell a lie. A mask of the far traveler does not function on the Material Plane.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, tongues; Cost 19,000 gp

  Mask of the Rabbit Prince
Source Planar Adventures pg. 54
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This colorful mask evokes the image of the Rabbit Prince from the Harrowed Realm. It covers the top half of the wearer’s face and depicts the countenance of a resolute rabbit complete with large, floppy felt ears. Despite its apparently fragile construction, the mask is as tough as iron (hardness 10). The mask of the rabbit prince imparts reckless bravado, granting the wearer a +2 morale bonus on initiative checks and on saving throws against fear effects. In addition, the wearer always counts as having a running start when attempting Acrobatics checks to jump.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, jump, remove fear; Cost 6,000 gp

  Planar Keystone
Source Planar Adventures pg. 54
Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th
Slot none; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A planar keystone is a small cube etched with runes. Each planar keystone is attuned to a specific site on a particular plane—this site must be determined when the planar keystone is created and cannot be changed at a later date. Anyone examining the etched patterns can determine the plane and location with a successful DC 20 Knowledge (planes) check. Once per day, up to eight intelligent creatures within 20 feet of the planar keystone can concentrate upon its etched patterns for 1 minute. This concentration is tenuous; if any of the creatures are attacked or pause to take other actions during this time, the concentration of all participants is broken and the planar keystone’s use for that day is lost. At the end of this time, all creatures concentrating on the planar keystone are transported to the planar keystone’s site as if via plane shift, but arriving precisely on target. The planar keystone travels with the creatures—it is not left behind in the process.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Cost 8,100 gp

  Planar Strap
Source Planar Adventures pg. 55
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight —
When this worn leather strap is tied around the grip of a weapon, the weapon becomes immune to the harmful environmental effects of a plane, such as heat or acidity. This does not protect the weapon against non-environmental energy effects; although it would apply to the ambient fire damage caused by being on the Plane of Fire, it would not apply to damage caused by a fireball spell. If the weapon is destroyed, the planar strap is destroyed with it. It is a full-round action to tie or untie a strap. You can only have one planar strap applied to a weapon at a time.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, planar adaptation; Cost 250 gp

  Portal-Finding Gloves
Source Planar Adventures pg. 55
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 12,500 gp; Weight —
These tight-fitting, black leather gloves have reinforced fingertips marked with arcane sigils. The gloves prickle slightly when in the presence of portals to other planes. The wearer gains a +5 bonus on Perception and Knowledge (planes) checks to identify portals and planar connections and can automatically learn where such connections lead by touching the portal or a connected area (such as a wall) within 10 feet of it.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, divination; Cost 6,250 gp

Protean Cloak
Source Planar Adventures pg. 55
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot shoulders; Price 500 gp (  +1 bonus), 2,000 gp (  +2 bonus), 4,500 gp (  +3 bonus), 8,000 gp (  +4 bonus), 12,500 gp (  +5 bonus); Weight 1 lb.
These multihued cloaks are as mutable as the proteans that inspired them. The typical protean cloak appears to be crafted from the hide of a naunet protean, but regardless of their apparent source, all protean cloaks shimmer and flicker with a riot of color. While the material feels scaly and rugose to the touch, a protean cloak flows like silk and does not hinder mobility.

A protean cloak provides a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on a single type of saving throw (typically Will saving throws). Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can change the type of saving throw that receives this bonus; the cloak then provides its bonus on the new type of saving throw until its type is changed again. If a protean cloak is unattended for more than 24 hours, the resistance bonus it applies automatically reverts back to Will saves.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, entropic shield, resistance, creator must be chaotic, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the cloak’s bonus; Cost 250 gp (+1 bonus), 1,000 gp (+2 bonus), 2,250 gp (+3 bonus), 4,000 gp (+4 bonus), 6,250 gp (+5 bonus)

  Soul Scribe Quill
Source Planar Adventures pg. 55
Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 4,500 gp; Weight —
This elaborate red and black quill contains an endless reservoir of red ink that resembles fresh blood. Once per day, when within 5 feet of a living creature with –1 or fewer hit points, the bearer can activate this quill as a standard action by scribing a short sentence in the air with it describing the dying creature’s death. If the victim fails a DC 15 Will save, it dies, and the bearer gains a +5 profane bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks, a +1 profane bonus to caster level for spell-like abilities, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma for 10 minutes per Hit Die of the victim.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, death knell, honeyed tongue; Cost 2,250 gp

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 10:10:13 »
1、(Astralabe):疑似本书作者笔误自星盘(astrolabe)[天] 星盘;天体观测仪。如果硬用词源翻译的话:Astra是拉丁语,意为to stars(如:电影《AD Astra》译为《星际探索》)。-labe, 词源同lemma, 拿,握,定理。考虑到冒险道具中已有星盘(astrolabe),这里暂译为星仪(Astralabe)。求更好的翻译。

2、羽光罗盘(Featherlight Compass):目标指向重力(subjective directional gravity),详见灯泡powerbult大佬翻译的位面特性。

3、乡土时计(Homebound Timepiece):如果生译的话,可译为联结家乡的计时器。但是看物品效果,简单的说就是在不同位面都能看到物质位面的时间,所以暂时意译为乡土时计。求更好的翻译。

4、乡土时计(Homebound Timepiece):不规则时间(erratic time)、流动时间(flowing time)、无时间(timeless)位面特性,详见灯泡powerbult大佬翻译的位面特性。另外,关于原文中举例的40年,由于找不到主语加上前文主物质位面1轮相当于所处位面1天,萌新简单算了一下,如果主物质位面1天,相当于该位面39.4年,所以为了方便理解,将翻译按照萌新计算的改动了一下,求更好的翻译。

5、异界答复透镜(Lens of Otherworldly Answers):(Otherworldly)很多大佬翻译成异界,考虑到其对于异界探知(contact other plane)的特殊效果,(Otherworldly Answers)暂译为异界答复,求更好的翻译。

6、异界答复透镜(Lens of Otherworldly Answers):望气(read aura)详见傻豆大佬翻译的神秘技能解放(Occult Skill Unlocks);光照等级详见仲夏夜梦游者,PATIBAUL,Falengel等大佬翻译的视力和光源(Vision and Light);(Lens of Otherworldly Answers)随异能生物持有者情绪变化的光源颜色,详见傻豆大佬翻译的灵光(Auras)-情感光谱(Emotional Spectrum)。

7、兔王子面具(Mask of the Rabbit Prince):沉沦大佬已经于2022-06-13将之翻译到网团活动区-探索者协会-自用自翻资源帖#504楼兔王子面具(Mask of the Rabbit Prince)中,萌新白嫖了大佬的劳动成果。

8、位面钥石(Planar Keystone):感觉可以玩星际争霸2的梗,钥石会指引你找到萨尔那加。

9、变换披风(Protean Cloak):愤怒的书页大佬已经于2020-08-20将之翻译到网团活动区-探索者协会-自用自翻资源帖#447楼变换斗篷(PROTEAN CLOAK)中,萌新白嫖了大佬的劳动成果。其中Cloak在CHM各大佬的翻译中,多译为披风,这里也和大佬们保持一致。

萌新最近家人生病,翻译的有点慢,但总算奇物部分译完后,【Planar Adventures】魔法物品(Magic Items)章节就全部译完了。

线上 longman123

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】奇物(Wondrous Items)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-07-18, 周一 15:54:55 »