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离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【MM】商人货单(Merchant's Manifest)
« 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:05:43 »


贸易相关的背景特性(Mercantile Traits)

钱币准则Canon of Coin(信念):你发现追求赚钱就是一种虔诚之举。估价对你来说是本职技能。只要你携带着价值至少等同于「100 GP/你拥有的角色等级」的钱币,那么你在意志豁免上可获得+1背景加值(trait bonus)。当对抗那些迫使你丢弃、掉落、或失去那些你所拥有的钱币、宝石、或贸易品的效果时,该加值会增至+2。
魔能稽查者Eldritch Auditor(魔法):你是一名热衷于学会保护自己商品的老练商人,或者你是一名对抗集市内的奥术花招的公正稽查者。在鉴定物品的真正特性,比如对抗诸如魔法灵光(magic aura)等法术时,你的法术辨识检定和意志豁免可获得+2背景加值(trait bonus)。
阿干赫伊的足迹Footsteps of Aganhei(地区;世界之冠):阿干赫伊之道(Path of Aganhei)是一条从天夏到阿维斯坦,并需横穿那寒冷的世界之冠的暴利贸易路线,而你是其中的一名已横穿阿干赫伊之道的勇敢旅者。该远行让你更加坚强,并在对抗寒冷气候影响的强韧豁免骰上获得+1背景加值(trait bonus)。生存是你的本职技能,并且你获得哈利特语(Hallit)、弘剌语(Hon-La)、明海语(Minkaian)、乌尔芬语(Skald)、或天洲语(Tien)之一作为奖励语言。
欧巴利洋老炮Obari Veteran(战斗):在利润丰厚的欧巴利洋航线运送着伽伦德人和乌荼罗人的货物,你已经在船上度过了数年。你在专业(水手)上获得+1背景加值(trait bonus),而专业(水手)对你来说是本职技能。你也能在对抗水栖亚种(aquatic subtype)生物时的武器伤害骰上,获得+1背景加值(trait bonus)。
见多识广之民Sophisticated Citizen(地区;艾巴萨罗姆):你在艾巴萨罗姆长大,从小你就了解来自全世界的人地琐事。选择知识(地理)、知识(地方)、或察言观色之一;该技能对你来说是本职技能。此外,你可知晓一种额外奖励语言。
不上台面的生意Unwelcome Business(社会):你擅长向那些禁售某些商品的地区,以及你身份会引发负面偏见的地区,运送和采购违禁货物。你的易容检定或巧手检定可获得+1背景加值(trait bonus),并且该技能对你来说是本职技能。此外,选择一种类人生物类型;你在将自己易容成该类型的一员时,可忽略该易容检定上的-2罚值。

条目索引(Rules Index)

劇透 -   :

No force—including even the cataclysmic Starstone—has done so much to shape Golarion as has trade.

This book provides a snapshot of key commercial hubs across Golarion to use as starting places and waypoints to inspire new ventures. Accompanying each city entry is an array of magic items, weapons, new tools, and more found at that location. Each item is accessible only thanks to Golarion’s extensive trade routes, and each is suitable either as a regional reward while visiting the area in question or an exciting call to adventure in a faraway place for enterprising PCs.

Mercantile Traits
The following new traits represent backgrounds related to a merchant’s wandering—and often dangerous—life.
Canon of Coin (Faith): You find the pursuit of earning money to be a religious experience. Appraise is a class skill for you. So long as you are carrying coins worth an amount equal to at least 100 gp per character level you have, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. This bonus increases to +2 against effects that would force you to discard, drop, or give away coins, gems, or trade goods in your possession.
Eldritch Auditor (Magic): You are a magically adept merchant who has learned tricks to protect your own goods, or you serve a city as an impartial auditor who guards against arcane trickery in the bazaars. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks and Will saves to identify an item’s true properties, such as against spells like magic aura.
Footsteps of Aganhei (Regional; Crown of the World): You are one of the brave travelers who have traversed the Path of Aganhei, a lucrative trade route from Tian Xia to Avistan that crosses the frigid Crown of the World. These voyages have left you hardier, granting you a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the effects of cold weather. Survival is a class skill for you, and you gain Hallit, Hon-La, Minkaian, Skald, or Tien as a bonus language.
Obari Veteran (Combat): You’ve spent years aboard ships traveling the lucrative Obari Crossing, transporting Garundi and Vudrani goods. You gain +1 bonus on Profession (sailor) checks, and Profession (sailor) is a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls against creatures with the aquatic subtype.
Sophisticated Citizen (Regional; Absalom): You grew up in Absalom, and as a child you learned trivia about people and places from all across the world. Choose Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive; that skill is a class skill for you. In addition, you know one additional bonus language.
Unwelcome Business (Social): You specialize in delivering or procuring shipments where those commodities are not allowed or where your identity would elicit negative bias. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disguise or Sleight of Hand checks, and that skill becomes a class skill for you. In addition, choose one humanoid species; you ignore the –2 penalty on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a member of that species.

Rules Index
The following new items in this book are detailed on the indicated pages. This book also includes a poison (page 11), services (page 5), and special materials (page 17). For player options, including archetypes, see pages 28–31.
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-14, 周二 08:51:54 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第2节。
« 回帖 #1 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:06:06 »
如果说艾巴萨罗姆是内海地区那跃动的心脏,那么贸易就是流经其中的命脉。远在天夏(Tian Xia)的船只载着货物前往这座世界中心之城,满载着待居民卸载的货物或送往其他港口的货物。商业活动是这座城市富饶和独立的来源,其重要性如此之大,以至于“贸易大师”的头衔即使不比继承下来的贵族头衔更有分量,也同样重要。



毛绒獾偶(Badger plush)
价格:45 GP;重量:2磅。

发条表盘(Clockwork dial)
价格:150 GP;重量:1/2磅。

黄蜂蜜酒(Wasp metheglin)
价格:400 GP;重量:2磅。
以一种品种罕见的黄蜂生产蜂蜜,用来酿造这种加料的类蜜酒饮料。在饮用1杯黄蜂蜜酒(这需要1轮)后的1小时内,其饮者会对伤害做出快速反应,在对抗其上一轮任何伤害她的生物时,可在攻击骰上获得+1炼金加值(alchemical bonus)。该加值不与它自己叠加。一瓶常见的酒瓶可装4杯黄蜂蜜酒。

艾巴萨罗姆珍宝(Absalom Wonders)

安多安人解放之锤(Andoren Emancipation Hammer)
栏位:武器;价格:13,312 GP;重量:5磅

这把+1战锤(+1 warhammer)的锤头被嵌入了一根破损的回火钢链。如果其持用者成功以该锤对一根非魔法金属链或一个非魔法链条状造物(不包括武器或护甲),进行一次攻击或执行一次破武战技检定的话,它会造成额外2d6点伤害。此外,每日1次以一个标准动作,其持用者可以说出一个命令字,可尝试移除一道距其30尺内的一名自愿生物身上的胁迫(compulsion)法术或效果,如同一道破除结界(break enchantment)一般。只要其拥有者把安多安人解放之锤带在身上就能使用该能力,即便她并没有持用它;然而,当以非自愿生物作为目标时,其持有者必须在一次接触攻击中成功,并且可以选择在这次接触攻击中放弃通常会造成的伤害。(如果持用者的攻击失手的话,则该锤的魔力不会被消耗。)该锤的主人可以使用这种能力来移除自己身上的胁迫(compulsion),只要这种胁迫(compulsion)不会妨碍它使用这种能力。

制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),破除结界(break enchantment),粉碎音波(shatter);
制造成本:7,812 GP

沙漠面纱(Desert Veil)
栏位:头部;价格:11,000 GP;重量:-磅

这种遮住穿戴者口鼻的黄色卡蒂亚式丝绸面纱的边缘饰有小小的圆镜。该面纱科保护其穿戴者免受极端温度的影响,如同一道忍受环境(endure elements)一般。此外,当处于燥热(warm)或暖温(temperate)的沙漠时,那么每日1次其穿戴者可说出一个命令字来创造出一处半径20尺的绿洲,并如同其施发了一道喘息之林(grove of respite)般运作。绿洲会出现在其穿戴者所指定的一处40尺内的区域,并在8小时后消失。绿洲之外的任何生物如果看到它,都必须在DC 16意志豁免中获得成功,否则将其视为海市蜃楼而不予理会。然而,走进绿洲的生物则会认识到它的本质。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),忍受环境(endure elements),喘息之林(grove of respite);
制造成本:5,500 GP

斯芬克斯之母符咒(Mother-Sphinx Token)
栏位:无;价格:9,000 GP;重量:-磅

这个有着斯芬克斯之母形象的木盘,其斯芬克斯之母的形象是奥斯里昂家族在其城市早期带入的,象征着艾巴萨罗姆成为知识与奥术的典范。每日1次,其使用者可以选定其100尺内的一名敌手并说出命令字。当她这样做时,她在接下来的2轮中所施放的任何针对指定敌人的法术都会如同她处于秘法调和(arcane concordance)效果影响下所施放的法术。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),秘法调和(arcane concordance);
制造成本:4,500 GP

艾巴萨罗姆内信徒们的珍品(Treasures of Absalom’s faithful)
在艾巴萨罗姆的登神者之庭(Ascendant Court)内的教堂,以多种方式迎合访客,包括创造出以下道具。

教堂窑石(Cathedral Pit Stone)
栏位:无;价格:600 GP;重量:-磅

一条金色的丝带缠绕在这片光滑的环状玄武岩上,而该玄武岩是为了模拟星石坑而被创造出来的。投掷该石可视为一次射程增量为20尺的远程攻击。当该石击中目标时,它会形成一条10尺宽、20尺深的护城河,如同一道造坑术(create pit)一般,并将该目标留在与其所占据空间大小相等的石柱上。亦或者,该使用者可将一处特定方格交点作为目标(或者仅仅扔下该石,这不需要攻击骰),来围绕其被投掷或掉落的5尺方格,创造出一条10尺宽、20尺深的护城河。(如果其持用者将该石掷向目标但并未命中的话,则将该石视为溅射武器,以确定其落在何处。)在以这种方式造坑的区域中,每位非目标的生物必须在DC 13反射豁免骰中成功,才能安全的跳到其最近的空地。该坑会在6轮后消失。该石一旦被投掷或掉落就会被消耗掉。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),造坑术(create pit);
制造成本:300 GP

耳语者安全盒(Whisper Safe)
栏位:无;价格:8,000 GP;重量:1/2磅

一种镜之面具徽记装饰着这个黑色喷漆首饰盒。当一名使用者向着打开的盒子说出某件事实并关闭它(一个会引发借机攻击的整轮动作)时,该耳语者安全盒就会与他调谐。在拿着已调谐的盒子时,他可以随意的以一个直觉动作,了解有多少人已知晓该事实。此外,他可如同专注于一道法术一般,专注于该盒子1分钟,以了解每个人的大致信息,包括其阵营、性别、种族、角色职业、以及每个人那最常用的名字。然而,如果某人已经采取了任何来掩盖其在公众视线中信息的措施的话,则该盒中会忽略该个体相应的某一条或某几条的信息。同样,一名已知晓该事实的侠客(vigilante)或其他拥有双重身份(dual identity)及类似职业能力者,该盒子也无法揭示出这些人的信息。打开一个已被调谐的耳语者安全盒,以可听见的其释放出低语着的事实,之后,该盒可以用来存储另一个所描述的事实。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),标记谣言(rumormonger);
制造成本:4,000 GP

闹事者和阴谋家经常使用以下服务,以避免透露他们曾参与了某项活动。大多数被雇佣者为了隐藏雇主的身份,或者如果他们觉得为某个客户工作会给自己带来社会风险的话,他们会收取双倍、三倍或甚至高达正常价格的10倍的费用。这些利用传播谣言规则的要素详见《Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue》第14页。

委任大版面印刷品(Commissioned broadsheet)
组织和校印(setup and proof print);重量:-磅;价格:50 GP。
大版面信息(broadsheets);重量:-磅;价格:150 GP。
再现大型图像的印刷工人或只有雕刻版印刷机的印刷者需要2到4周的时间才能为委任的大版面印刷品准备好对应的印版。使用活字印刷机的印刷者则可以在短短4小时内制作一张纯文本的大版面印刷品。一旦设置完成(包括校样打印),打印机每天最多可以打印500份大版面印刷品(大约每小时60份)。委任大版面印刷品可以用来传播谣言,并要求其作者尝试任何必要的技能检定。其作者在这些检定中会受到-8罚值,这是因为大版面印刷品无法提供声音或不使用语言的信息,但如果他成功了,那么传播谣言只需1d4天(或1天。如果是比小城镇更小的定居点的话)。如果大版面印刷品是由受训的宣告者(trained criers)或受训的其他试图传谣者提供的,则使用作者或宣告者(以较高者为准)的宣传检定结果,并获得+2加值。

雇佣宣告者(Hireling, crier)
未受训雇员价格(Untrained Price):3 SP/日;受训雇员价格(Trained Price):1 GP/日;娴熟雇员价格(Skilled Price):3 GP/日;老练雇员价格(Masterful Price):10 GP/日;

劇透 -   :

If Absalom is the beating heart of the Inner Sea region, trade is the lifeblood that flows through it. Ships from as far as Tian Xia make their way to the City at the Center of the World, laden with cargo to be distributed to residents or dispatched to other ports. So important are mercantile activities—the source of the city’s wealth and independence—that the title of “trademaster” carries equal if not greater weight than an inherited noble title.

The variety of goods to be had in Absalom is broad enough that locals often joke that it’s quicker to list what isn’t available. Wonders abound in Absalom’s markets, as those trained in the city’s schools manufacture arcane crafts, clockwork trinkets, divine works, and mundane items ranging from delicate jewelry to deadly warships.

Travelers to Absalom often seek mementos of their visit. Merchants commonly offer items such as the following.

  Badger plush
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 4
Price 45 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Adventuring Gear
This stuffed badger—a well-loved and legally protected animal in Absalom—is realistic enough to fool most other animals into thinking it is real. As a move action, a wielder can use a free hand to present the plush; any Small or smaller animal with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 that can see it takes a –2 penalty on initiative checks.

  Clockwork dial
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 4
Price 150 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
This brass timepiece can be wound with a small key, causing it to count down until it reaches the end of its duration, at which point it emits a small chime. Most dials have a maximum duration of 60 minutes, with each turn of a key adding 10 minutes, though some are crafted with longer or shorter durations and intervals.

  Wasp metheglin
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 4
Price 400 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Food/Drink
A rare breed of wasp produces the honey used to make this spiced, mead-like drink. For 1 hour after consuming a glass of wasp metheglin (this takes 1 round), the drinker is quick to respond to harm, gaining a +1 alchemical bonus on attack rolls against any creature that has damaged her with an attack within the previous round. This bonus does not stack with itself. A typical bottle holds four glasses’ worth of metheglin.

Absalom Wonders
Items connected to Absalom’s main trading partners— Andoran, Jalmeray, Katapesh, Osirion, Qadira, and Taldor— are common in the city’s bazaars. Typical offerings include the following.

  Andoren Emancipation Hammer
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 4
Aura moderate abjuration and evocation CL 9th
Slot weapon; Price 13,312 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
A broken chain link of tempered steel is embedded in the head of this +1 warhammer. If the wielder successfully uses the hammer to make an attack or perform a sunder combat maneuver against a nonmagical metal chain or an object made of nonmagical chain links (excluding weapons or armor), it deals an additional 2d6 points of damage. In addition, once per day as a standard action, the wielder can speak a command word to attempt to remove a compulsion spell or effect from a willing creature that is within 30 feet, as per break enchantment. The owner can use this ability as long as she has the Andoren emancipation hammer on her person, even if she’s not wielding it; however, when targeting an unwilling creature, the wielder must succeed at a touch attack, and may choose to forgo the damage that would usually be dealt. (If the wielder’s attack misses, the hammer’s magic is not expended.) The owner of the hammer can use this ability to remove a compulsion from herself, as long as the compulsion doesn’t prevent it.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, break enchantment, shatter; Price 7,812 gp

  Desert Veil
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 4
Aura moderate abjuration and conjuration; CL 7th
Slot head; Price 11,000 gp; Weight —
Small round mirrors adorn the edges of this yellow, Qadiran silk veil, which covers the wearer’s mouth and nose. The veil protects the wearer against extreme temperatures, as per endure elements. In addition, once per day while in a warm or temperate desert, the wearer can speak a command word to create a 20-foot-radius oasis that functions like a casting of grove of respite. The oasis appears in a spot the wearer designates within 40 feet and disappears after 8 hours. Any creature outside the oasis that sees it must succeed at a DC 16 Will saving throw or dismiss it as a mirage to be ignored. A creature that steps inside the oasis, however, recognizes its substance.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, grove of respite; Cost 5,500 gp

  Mother-Sphinx Token
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 5
Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
This wooden disk bears the image of a mother-sphinx, a symbol of Absalom that epitomizes knowledge and arcane power, brought by Osirian families in the city’s early years. Once per day, the user can designate an enemy within 100 feet and speak a command word. When she does, any spells she casts in the next 2 rounds that target the designated enemy are affected as if she were under the effects of an arcane concordance spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane concordance; Cost 4,500 gp

Treasures of Absalom’s faithful
The churches in Absalom’s Ascendant Court cater to visitors in many ways, including creating items such as the following.

  Cathedral Pit Stone
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 5
Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 600 gp; Weight —
A golden ribbon winds around this smooth, ring-shaped piece of basalt, which was created to emulate the pit of the Starstone. The stone can be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When the stone strikes a target, it creates a 10-foot-wide, 20-foot-deep moat, as per create pit, leaving the target on a stone pillar equal in size to its space. Alternatively, the user can target a specific grid intersection (or merely drop the stone, which requires no attack roll) to create a 10-foot-wide, 20-foot-deep moat around the 5-foot square onto which it was thrown or dropped. (If the wielder throws the stone at a target and misses, treat the stone as a splash weapon to determine where it lands.) Each creature that is not the target in the area where a pit is created in this way must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex saving throw to jump to safety in the nearest open space. The pit disappears after 6 rounds. The stone is consumed upon being thrown or dropped.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create pit; Cost 300 gp

Whisper Safe
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 5
Aura faint conjuration; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A mirrored mask emblem adorns this black-lacquered jewelry box. When a user speaks a fact into the open box and closes it (a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunities), the whisper safe attunes to him. While holding the attuned box, he can spend an immediate action at will to learn how many people know the fact. Furthermore, he can concentrate on the box for 1 minute as if he were concentrating on a spell to learn the general details of each of those people, including alignment, gender, race, character class, and the name by which each person is most commonly known. However, if a person has taken any effort to obscure any of these details from the public eye, the box omits that individual detail or details. Similarly, the box reveals no details about a person who knows the fact and is a vigilante or otherwise has dual identity or a similar class feature. Opening an attuned whisper safe releases the fact in an audible whisper, after which the box can be used to store another fact as described.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, rumormonger; Cost 4,000 gp

The following services are often used by troublemakers and schemers to avoid revealing their involvement in an activity. Most hirelings charge double, triple, or even as high as 10 times their normal price to hide the identity of their employer or if they feel they are putting themselves at risk socially by working for a particular client. These elements make use of the rules for spreading rumors found on page 14 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue.

Commissioned broadsheet
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 5
Price 150 gp (print run (500 broadsheets)), 50 gp (setup and proof print); Weight — (print run (500 broadsheets)), — (setup and proof print)
It takes 2 to 4 weeks for printers reproducing large images or those who have only engraved-plate printing presses to prepare the plate for a commissioned broadsheet. Printers with movable-type printing presses can prepare a text-only broadsheet in as little as 4 hours. Once the setup is complete (which includes a proof print), the printer can produce up to 500 copies of the broadsheet daily (about 60 per hour). A commissioned broadsheet can be used to spread a rumor requiring the author to attempt any necessary skill checks. The author takes a –8 penalty on these checks because the broadsheet cannot provide vocal or nonverbal cues, but if he’s successful, spreading the rumor takes only 1d4 days (or 1 day, if smaller than a small town). If the broadsheets are delivered by trained criers or others attempting to spread the rumor, use the propaganda check result of either the author or the crier (whichever is higher) with a +2 bonus.

Hireling, crier
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 5
Price 10 gp per day (masterful), 3 gp per day (skilled), 1 gp per day (trained), 3 sp per day (untrained); Weight — (masterful), — (skilled), — (trained), — (untrained)
A crier can be hired to spread a rumor. An untrained crier usually has a +0 bonus on propaganda checks. A trained crier usually has a +5 bonus on propaganda checks. A skilled crier usually has a +10 bonus on propaganda checks. A masterful crier is rare and usually has a +12 bonus on propaganda checks. If they are available, multiple criers can be hired to spread a single rumor; they attempt a single propaganda check together and gain a +1 bonus for every doubling of their numbers (+1 for two, +2 for four, +3 for eight, +4 for 16, or a maximum of +5 for 32 criers).
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-14, 周二 08:49:02 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第3节。
« 回帖 #2 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:06:47 »
从卡塔佩什(Katapesh)到乌荼罗(Vudra)穿过欧巴利洋(Obari)的利润丰厚的旅行船只经常会通过阿尔约索斯(Aelyosos),这个艾布利多斯(Iblydos)群岛最西方的城市。阿尔约索斯(Aelyosos)以其巨大的潮汐而闻名;该城市在一天中会有半城在部分时间被完全淹没,这使得当地的人鱼(merfolk)可以前往内陆进行贸易。除了主要作为艾布利丹(Iblydan)货物的主要出口港外,阿尔约索斯(Aelyosos)还专营腌制美食以及水中冒险者设备。更多有关阿尔约索斯(Aelyosos)的信息,详见《Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores》4-13页。

阿尔约索斯的悬赏(Aelyosos’s Bounty)

洛诺马鳗鱼(Lonoma eel)
每个春天,艾布利多斯(Iblydos)以南的水域充满了该群岛那巨大的洛诺马鳗鱼刚刚孵化出的幼苗,渔民们捕捞这些鳗鱼,并将其以浓盐水贮存,以供全年的消耗。传统上,在长途航行前作为水手餐食用,以变回海腿子,洛诺马鳗鱼使得8小时内因颠簸震动(vigorous motion)以及剧烈震动(violent motion)所致的专注检定上,获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。

蜜糕(Mekainae)|本条翻译致谢 猩猩

西里尔科柠檬(Sylirican lemons)

洪水装备(Flood Gear)

鲫鱼胶笺(Remora pad)
这种1尺长的条状双面炼金胶用蜡纸密封。当打开其密封(这需要一个移动动作)并按压在两个面之间(这也需要一个移动动作)时,鲫鱼胶笺(remora pad)可在两个生物或物体之间形成牢固的防水粘合,持续24小时。如果两个生物以这种方式连接在一起,它们都会获得被擒抱(grappled)状态。然而,如果它们的体型不同,则只有体型较小的生物会获得此状态。
这种结合能经受住比如潮汐的到来时的轻微冲击和移动,亦或是在水下由一个粘合面主体拖曳着另一个粘合面主体。骤然猛拽可以很容易地打破粘合,一名自愿被粘合的生物可以以一个标准动作,来成功通过一次DC为5的力量检定(以一个迅捷动作,则DC为10)从胶笺中挣脱出来。这种缺陷使得鲫鱼胶笺(remora pad)在试图擒抱目标时相当无效,尽管一名以鲫鱼胶笺(remora pad)黏住自己和目标的擒抱生物,接下来的维持擒抱轮中,在擒抱战技检定会获得+6环境加值(而不是正常的+5加值)。
一张鲫鱼胶笺(remora pad)的粘结力足以支撑200磅的材料,因此将两个较重的物体粘结在一起需要多张胶笺。水下旅行者们经常使用鲫鱼胶笺(remora pad)将自己固定在经过训练的水生动物上进行长途旅行。

虹吸鳐鱼(Siphon ray)
这种手掌般大小的寄生软骨鱼可附着在生物身上,直接从宿主的血液中过滤营养物质。然而,在这个过程中,虹吸鳐鱼会使血液富氧,让宿主在水下屏息的时间是原来的两倍。在获得该收益前,虹吸鳐鱼必须被附着至少1分钟,而单日内,若有一条鳐鱼在保持附着的话,宿主每隔一小时就必须在一次DC 15的强韧豁免骰中成功,否则会疲乏(fatigued)。当被附着时,除非特别针对,虹吸鳐鱼可以避免大多数攻击,就像它是一件装备一样。

劇透 -   :

Ships traveling the lucrative Obari Crossing from Katapesh to Vudra regularly pass Aelyosos, the westernmost city of the archipelago of Iblydos. Aelyosos is famous for its dramatic tides; half the city spends part of the day completely submerged, allowing local merfolk to travel inland and trade. In addition to acting as a major export port for Iblydan goods as a whole, Aelyosos specializes in preserved delicacies and equipment for aquatic explorers. For more information about Aelyosos, see pages 4–13 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores.

Aelyosos’s Bounty

Only a fraction of Iblydan foods readily survive export to distant ports. The following, however, are long-lasting enough to be available—largely as delicacies—in other lands.

  Lonoma eel
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 1 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Food/Drink
Every spring, the waters south of Iblydos fill with the newly hatched young of the archipelago’s immense lonoma eels, which fishermen harvest and brine to preserve for year-round consumption. Traditionally consumed as sailors’ meals before long voyages to regain one’s sea legs, lonoma eel grants a +2 competence bonus on concentration checks required for vigorous or violent motion for 8 hours.

The price listed is for a single serving of lonoma eel.

Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 5 gp; Weight —
Category Food/Drink
Honey collectors harvest the immense combs created by the giant bees in the foothills of Pol-Ptirmeios. Local confectioners ferment this honey for several weeks before mixing it with flour and spices and cutting it into chewy cubes. Once reserved for hero-gods to enhance their longevity, mekainae is now served as a rare treat on important anniversaries and birthdays. Eating a serving of mekainae limits the reduction in a creature’s current and total hit points to only 3 for each negative level it has (instead of the normal 5-point reduction in current and total hit points); other penalties imposed by negative levels remain unchanged Additionally, you gain a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws to remove negative levels. Both effects last 24 hours. The price listed is for a single serving of mekainae.

  Sylirican lemons
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 1 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Food/Drink
Sylirican lemons make prized preserves when ground, salted, and sealed in jars, adding an intense citrus flavor when sprinkled atop other foods. If, within 8 hours of consuming a meal seasoned with Sylirican lemons, you gain the confused condition, you can roll 1d6 and subtract the result from the result of your d% roll to determine what action you take for the first round in which you are confused. This benefit does not stack with itself. The price and weight listed represent a jar containing enough preserved lemons to season 10 meals.

Flood Gear

The following gear is common in Aelyosos and beyond.

  Remora pad
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 5 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
This foot-long strip of double-sided alchemical adhesive is sealed with waxed paper. When unsealed (this requires a move action) and pressed between two surfaces (this also requires a move action), a remora pad creates a firm and waterproof bond between two creatures or objects for up to 24 hours. If two creatures connect themselves in this way, both gain the grappled condition. However, if they are different size categories, only the smaller creature gains this condition.

This bond survives light buffeting and movement, such as that created by incoming tides or by one attached surface dragging the other along underwater. Sharp tugs can break the seal fairly easily, and a willingly attached creature can pull free of the pad with a successful DC 5 Strength check as a standard action (DC 10 as a swift action). This weakness makes remora pads fairly ineffective when attempting to grapple a target, though a grappling creature that sticks itself to a target with a remora pad receives a +6 circumstance bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks to sustain the grapple in subsequent rounds (instead of the normal +5 bonus).

A remora pad’s bond is strong enough to support 200 pounds of material, so bonding two heavier objects together requires multiple pads. Underwater travelers often use remora pads to attach themselves to trained aquatic animals for long journeys.

  Siphon ray
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 6
Price 5 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Adventuring Gear
This parasitic, hand-sized, cartilaginous fish attaches to a creature and filters nutrients directly from its host’s bloodstream. However, a siphon ray reoxygenates the blood in the process, allowing the host to hold her breath for twice as long while underwater. A siphon ray must be attached for at least 1 minute before providing this benefit, and every hour a ray remains attached per day, the host must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued. While attached, a siphon ray avoids most attacks as though it were a piece of equipment unless specifically targeted.

A siphon ray must be kept in at least 1 gallon of salt water when not in use. If it is out of salt water for 1 hour, the siphon ray expires.
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-14, 周二 08:39:39 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第4节。
« 回帖 #3 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:07:15 »
阿努利是天界国度霍洛摩格(Holomog)最北端的城市,它的居民在几近毁灭后重建了这座城市。在一场被称为“帕罗克斯斯”(Paroxys)的毁灭性爆炸后,新开端城(City of New Beginnings)已上升为伽伦德(Garundi)南部国家中最繁荣的居所之一。

阿努利在其阿皮克斯贸易机构(Apex Trading House)中主办许多贸易行业,该机构是阿努利出口矿产、海鲜和手工制作的地区商品的渠道,而手工商品是为了纪念在黑暗之年(Age of Darkness)使霍洛摩格(Holomog)得以存续的至高天神使们(empyreal lords)。随着阿努利的持续繁荣,它成为了一个越来越强的商业强国,但是与不死国度盖布(Geb)的暗战威胁着未来的经济繁荣。更多有关阿努利的信息,详见《Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores》14-23页。

领略无尽市场(A taste of the endless market)
无尽市场(Endless Market)从牡蛎湾(Oyster Sound)银行附近的渔夫街(Fisher’s Row)一直延伸到边坡(Slopeside),接待着来自世界各地的商品贸易者。以专卖店为特色的小巷从主要市场延伸而来,其中包括药剂巷、鞋巷、香料巷和刀剑巷等,每一条都各自提供与巷子同名的最佳产品。

常见物品(Mundane Items)

阿努利红椒粉(Anulite paprika)
价格:3 GP;重量:-磅。
尽管阿努利人大量使用外国香料,但阿努利红椒粉可能是这座城市——尤其是在富人群体间——最受欢迎的香料。这种鲜红色的调味料被用于各种海味山珍的菜肴中,赋予了阿努利美食中极为罕见的热度。食用一顿加了辣椒粉的饭食(meal)可以赋予你些许对火焰的抗性,当你着火(caught on fire)时可降低1点你每轮所受到的伤害。该收益持续8小时且不会和自己叠加。

生命护佑之刃(Blade of Life's Defense)
价格:170 GP;重量:6磅。
这种镰剑(khopesh)拥有着被抛光到几於眩目般光泽的银刃,并蚀刻有藤蔓和树叶的图案。生命护佑之刃可于阿努利的刀剑巷处购买,并且随着将与盖布(Geb)开战的传闻不断被炒热而越发流行。每把利刃都被注入一种非魔法性的对抗不死生物(undead)的力量微光,这赋予其持用者在对抗不死生物能力时,其豁免骰获得+1神圣加值(sacred bonus)。否则,它会被视为一把标准镰剑(khopesh)。

魔法物品(Magic Items)

玛兹卢德赫盾符(Mazludeh's Shield Token)
栏位:无;价格:22,000 GP;重量:-磅

这种小小的铜符形似重盾。符上清楚的铭刻着一条衔尾蛇围着七个蛋的图像——灶墙之母(the Mother of Hearth and Wall)玛兹卢德赫的圣徽(更多有关该神袛的信息详见Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores第23页)。每日1次,该道具的持有者可以以一个标准动作触摸它。当她这样做时,她要选择一名她能看到的30尺内的盟友。该持有者以及她的盟友在接下来的10轮中,都可在其攻击骰上获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)或者在AC上获得+2偏斜加值(deflection bonus)(在持有者触摸护符时选择;一旦选择了一项收益的话,那么在其效果持续期间就不能更改)。该持有者可以提前以一个自由动作解消该收益,但是该道具会如常消耗其使用次数。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),心有灵犀(battlemind link),祝福术(bless);
制造成本:11,000 GP

重建者之靴(Rebuilder's Boots)
栏位:脚部;价格:14,500 GP;重量:2磅

很久以前,当帕罗克斯斯(Paroxsys)撕裂大地后,阿努利的工程师们穿着这双结实的棕色皮靴在城中导航。这双靴子的穿戴者可在修复物品的工艺检定上获得+5表现加值(competence bonus)。此外,以一个移动动作,一双重建者之靴的穿戴者可以激活它们用以移动,最大可达她自己的陆地速度移动,并忽略困难地形的任何不利移动效果,如同一道轻羽步(feather step)的法术效果。该效果每日可持续40分钟,或直至其穿戴者以一个自由动作结束该效果。穿戴者无需一次性花费其全部的持续时间,但她必须以1分钟为增量来使用它。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),匠人祝福(crafter’s fortune),轻羽步(feather step);
制造成本:7,250 GP

劇透 -   :

The northernmost city in the celestial nation of Holomog, Anuli is a city that its citizens rebuilt following its near-destruction. After a devastating explosion known as the Paroxsys, the City of New Beginnings has ascended to become one of the most prosperous settlements in the southern Garundi nation.

Anuli hosts many trade guilds in its Apex Trading House, which serves as a conduit for the city to export goods such as minerals, seafood, and handcrafted regional items that honor the empyreal lords who enabled Holomog’s survival during the Age of Darkness. As it continues to prosper, Anuli is becoming evermore of a commercial powerhouse, but a potential war with the undead nation of Geb threatens this future economic boom. For more information about Anuli, see pages 14–23 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores.

A taste of the endless market

Stretching from Fisher’s Row near the banks of Oyster Sound up through Slopeside, the Endless Market hosts traders who deal wares from all across the world. Alleyways featuring specialty shops extend from the main market, including Potion Alley, Shoe Alley, Spice Alley, and Sword Alley, among others, each offering the best of their respective namesakes.

Mundane Items

The alleyways of the Endless Market are filled with interesting finds. Presented below are examples of mundane items found in the Endless Market.

  Anulite paprika
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 7
Price 3 gp; Weight —
Category Food/Drink
Although Anulites make great use of foreign spices, Anulite paprika is perhaps the most popular in the city, especially among the wealthy. This bright red seasoning is used in all manner of seafood and vegetable dishes, imparting the heat greatly treasured in Anulite cuisine. Consuming a meal seasoned with Anulite paprika grants you some resistance against flames, reducing the amount of damage taken each round when you have caught on fire by 1. This benefit lasts for 8 hours and does not stack with itself.

The price and weight listed represent a jar containing enough paprika to season 10 meals.

  Blade of Life's Defense
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 7
Aura CL
Price 170 gp ; Weight 6 lbs.
This khopesh has a silver blade polished to an almost blinding sheen and etched with motifs of vines and leaves. Blades of life’s defense can be bought in Anuli’s Sword Alley, and are becoming more popular as rumblings of an open war with Geb continue to grow ever louder. Each blade is imbued with a shimmer of nonmagical might against undead that grants the blade’s bearer a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws against the abilities of undead. It is otherwise treated as a standard khopesh.

Magic Items

The magic items presented in the section below are but a few of the magic items that can be easily found in the Endless Market of Anuli.

  Mazludeh's Shield Token
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 7
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 22,000 gp; Weight —
This small bronze token is shaped like a heavy shield. Emblazoned clearly on the token is an image of a snake eating its own tail encircling seven eggs—the holy symbol of Mazludeh, the Mother of Hearth and Wall (see Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores 23 for more information about this deity). Once per day, the wielder of this item can touch the token as a standard action. When she does so, she chooses an ally within 30 feet whom she can see. The wielder and her ally then both gain either a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls or a +2 deflection bonus to AC for the next 10 rounds (chosen when the wielder touches the token; once a benefit is chosen, it can’t be changed during the effect’s duration). The wielder can dismiss this benefit early as a free action, but the item’s use is still expended as normal.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, battlemind link, bless; Cost 11,000 gp


  Rebuilder's Boots
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 7
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th
Slot feet; Price 14,500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Long ago, engineers in Anuli wore pairs of these sturdy brown leather boots to navigate the city after the Paroxsys tore apart the land. The wearer of these boots gains a +5 competence bonus on Craft checks to repair items. Additionally, as a move action, the wearer of a pair of rebuilder’s boots can activate them to move up to her land speed and ignore any adverse movement effects of difficult terrain, as per the effects of the feather step spell. This effect lasts for 40 minutes per day or until the wearer ends it as a free action. The wearer need not spend this duration all at once, but she must spend it in 1-minute increments.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crafter’s fortune, feather step; Cost 7,250 gp
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-13, 周一 08:29:25 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第5节。
« 回帖 #4 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:07:41 »

卡利法斯的奢侈品(LuxurIes of CalIphas)

价格:200 GP;重量:2磅。
这款深红色葡萄酒有很高的单宁酸,并有着黑醋栗、可可和雪松的香气。桑格葡萄酒是卡利法斯精英的挚爱,他们将饮用这款酒与长寿联系在一起。饮用一杯桑格葡萄酒至少需要1轮,尽管许多饮酒者需要更长的时间来品尝这款葡萄酒那的复杂滋味。饮用一杯后,葡萄酒会使其饮用者的血液在1小时内产生苦味,使任何以吸血(blood drain)特异能力(Ex)对其造成伤害的生物,会恶心(sickened)等同于「体质属性检定点」轮(该效果不受吸血鬼或其他不死生物的毒素免疫影响)。对至少喝了一杯桑格葡萄酒的生物反复使用吸血能力会延长其恶心(sickened)的持续时间。这里所列的是一瓶桑格葡萄酒的价格,而一瓶酒则内含相当于6杯酒的酒水。

上流社会的魔法物品(Genteel MagIc Items)

保护飞边(Protective Ruff)
栏位:颈部;价格:1,000 GP;重量:1/2磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),修复术(mending);
制造成本:500 GP

玫瑰皮篦(Roseskin Comb)
栏位:头部;价格:37,000 GP;重量:1/2磅

这把绿色铜篦将粉色雪花石头饰夹在其佩戴者的头发上,巧妙地向她的肌肤注入力量。除了为其佩戴者带来可爱感以外,玫瑰皮篦还使其佩戴者的天生防御获得+2增强加值(enhancement bonus)。此外,每日3次以一个标准动作,玫瑰皮篦的佩戴者可命令倒刺从其肌肤上生出,这如同一道荆刺之躯(thorn body)一般,并持续7轮。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),树肤术(barkskin),荆刺之躯(thorn body);
制造成本:18,500 GP

和谐之酒(Wine of Concordance)
栏位:无;价格:1,200 GP;重量:2磅


饮用一杯和谐之酒至少需要1轮,尽管许多饮酒者需要更长的时间来品尝这款葡萄酒那果香风味。当每位至少饮用一杯酒的生物相互之间在10尺内时,可以如同一道关照术(status)一般了解彼此(每位饮酒者都知道彼此的方向和距离以及影响其人的任何状态)。此外,当他们相互之间在100尺内时,其饮酒者间可等分他们所承受的任何伤害,如同一道护卫他人(shield other)一般。如果一名饮酒者移出了其他任何饮酒者的100尺外的话,其护卫他人(shield other)效果会被抑制,然而一旦该饮酒者再次移入该范围内,它就会恢复作用。这些效果可持续3小时。一瓶和谐之酒内含相当于6杯酒的酒水。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),护卫他人(shield other),关照术(status),制造者必须在工艺(炼金)上拥有至少4个等级(creator must have at least 4 ranks in Craft alchemy);
制造成本:600 GP

劇透 -   :

Caliphas has long been considered the very soul of the mist-shrouded land of Ustalav. When the nation’s capital moved from Ardis to Caliphas, the resulting increase in trade transformed Caliphas into the city it is today. The arrival of Ustalav’s nobility attracted merchants selling endless imported luxuries to sate their desires—alabaster artwork, opulent perfumes, rich wines, and the like. Local artisans also began producing their own decadent goods, which quickly found their way onto waiting ships in the city harbor, and were sent to merchants around the Inner Sea region to create a cycle of prosperity drawing more wealthy and landed patrons to the city and spurring the production of more luxuries. Over the decades, Caliphas has transformed its surrounding country from little more than a remote backwater to a bustling hub of refinement and class.

LuxurIes of CalIphas
The following mundane item originates from Caliphas and is associated with the nobility (and other well-to-do residents) of Ustalav and beyond.

Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 8
Price 200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Category Food/Drink
This deep red wine is highly tannic and has notes of currants and cocoa and an aroma of cedar. Sangwine is a favorite of Caliphas’s elite, who associate drinking it with long life. Drinking a glass of sangwine takes at least 1 round, though many imbibers take longer to savor the wine’s complex flavors. After drinking a glass, the wine gives the drinker’s blood a bitter flavor for 1 hour, causing any creature that deals damage using the blood drain extraordinary ability to become sickened for a number of rounds equal to the points of Constitution damage dealt (this effect is not subject to the poison immunity of vampires and other undead). Repeated uses of the blood drain ability on a creature that has imbibed at least one glass of sangwine extends the duration of the sickened condition. The price listed is for a bottle, which contains six glasses’ worth of sangwine.

Genteel MagIc Items
The following magic items originated from Caliphas.

  Protective Ruff
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 8
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This lace collar fits snugly around the wearer’s neck. When an effect would damage an item worn in any of the wearer’s item slots, up to 10 points of damage are redirected to the ruff. (Damaging effects that do not involve hit points, such as rusting grasp, are not affected.) A protective ruff has 10 hit points and hardness 5. When the ruff is reduced to 0 hit points, it stops functioning; if reduced to less than 0 hit points, it is destroyed as normal. While worn, a protective ruff with 1 or more hit points regenerates at the rate of 1 hit point per hour.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mending; Cost 500 gp

  Roseskin Comb
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 8
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot head; Price 37,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A green copper comb holds this pink-hued alabaster headpiece in its wearer’s hair, subtly infusing her skin with strength. In addition to providing an air of loveliness to its wearer, a roseskin comb grants a +2 enhancement bonus to its wearer’s natural armor. In addition, three times per day as a standard action, the wearer of a roseskin comb can command barbs to protrude from her skin, as per thorn body, for 7 rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, thorn body; Cost 18,500 gp

  Wine of Concordance
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 8
Aura faint abjuration and divination; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 1,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This sweet white wine contains notes of apple, lemon, and peach and is among the most citrus-flavored of the local wines produced in Caliphas. According to traditional legends, drinking glasses of wine of concordance together can forge strong bonds between those individuals who share it, both emotionally and magically.

Drinking a glass of wine of concordance takes at least 1 round, though many imbibers take longer to savor the wine’s fruity flavor. Creatures that each finish at least one glass of the wine while within 10 feet of each other become aware of each other, as per status (each drinker is aware of the direction and distance to each other and any conditions affecting the others). In addition, while they’re within 100 feet of each other, the drinkers share equally in any wounds they take, as per shield other. If a drinker moves more than 100 feet from any other drinker, the shield other effect is suppressed, but it resumes functioning once the drinker moves within range again. These effects last for 3 hours. A bottle of wine of concordance contains six glasses’ worth of wine.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield other, status, creator must have at least 4 ranks in Craft (alchemy); Cost 600 gp
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-12, 周日 13:54:14 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第6节。
« 回帖 #5 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:08:19 »
卡索米尔(CASSOMIR)|卡索米尔章节的翻译全部致谢 海上钓鲸客




黑木装备(Blackwood Gear)

黑木木雕(Blackwood figurehead)
价格:650 GP;重量:25磅。

沼行凉鞋(Bogwalking sandals)
价格:250 GP;重量:1/2磅。
这款凉鞋的鞋底是黑木的,皮革绑带包裹着穿着者的脚面。这种凉鞋是防水的,因此深受踏足卡索米尔外沼泽地和荒地等恶劣环境的人喜爱,尤其是那些长期处在这种环境中又无法得到熟练的鞋匠的安慰的人。凉鞋的设计还允许穿着者在浅泥沼中正常移动,并将深泥沼视为浅泥沼(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 第427页)。凉鞋不影响在沼泽中的特技检定的惩罚,而且穿着凉鞋的生物不能从深沼泽中获得掩蔽。

黑木魔法物品(Blackwood MagIc Items)

避水护符(Amulet of Water Parting)
栏位:颈部;价格:10,000 GP;重量:-磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),树肤术(barkskin),控制水位(control water);
制造成本:5,000 GP

水光权杖(Waterblight Scepter)
栏位:无;价格:18,312 GP;重量:8磅



制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),制造权杖(Craft Rod),水面行走(water walk);
制造成本:13,312 GP

劇透 -   :

The second-largest settlement in the storied nation of Taldor, Cassomir began as a humble merchant harbor at the mouth of the mighty Sellen River. Since then, however, Cassomir has grown into a major Taldan port city, and it stands tall as Taldor’s greatest naval shipyard. From its place at a key crossroads of waterways, Cassomir facilitates trade with inland nations such as the Five Kings Mountains, Galt, Kyonin, Razmiran, and the River Kingdoms. Cassomir also generates income by taxing ships seeking access to the Sellen River—a tithe river merchants grumble about but rarely try to avoid, given the ruthless tax collectors in the proud empire.

One of the lightest and toughest woods on Golarion, offering a measure of strength and natural waterproofing not found in other types of wood, blackwood is an increasingly rare commodity. The Inner Sea region’s primary remaining source of blackwood is an isolated pocket of the Verduran Forest, where stern druids limit the logging of trees in accordance with a centuries-old treaty. Hence, lumber and items made of blackwood are quite valuable and difficult to obtain.
Below are the details of blackwood, followed by a sampling of mundane items created from this special material.
Blackwood: Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow or quarterstaff) made from blackwood is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type. Items not normally made of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe, mace, or other metal item with a wooden haft) either cannot be made from blackwood or do not gain any special benefit. The armor check penalty of a blackwood shield is reduced by 2 compared to an ordinary shield of its type. When wielded against creatures with the water subtype, mundane blackwood weapons ignore 1 point of the creature’s DR (if any), and enchanted blackwood weapons ignore a number of DR equal to 2 times the weapon’s enhancement bonus. To determine the price of a blackwood item, use the original weight but add 20 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item. Blackwood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 7

Blackwood Gear
The gear below is popular among Cassomir’s captains and those living near the Verduran Forest.

  Blackwood figurehead
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 9
Price 650 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
Category Tools
Carved in the likeness of a sea creature or another form desired by the one commissioning it, this item grants its ship’s crew a +2 morale bonus on Profession (sailor) checks while on board.

  Bogwalking sandals
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 9
Price 250 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Category Clothing
These sandals have blackwood soles and leather straps that wrap around the wearer’s feet. The sandals are waterproof and are thus popular among individuals who tread the harsh locales of the swamps and wastelands beyond Cassomir proper—especially those who are in such environments for long periods of time without access to the comforts of a skilled cobbler. The sandals’ design also allows the wearer to move through shallow bogs normally and to treat deep bogs as if they were shallow bogs (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 427). The sandals do not affect the penalty on Acrobatics checks while in bogs, and creatures wearing the sandals cannot gain cover from deep bogs.

Blackwood MagIc Items
The following blackwood items are regularly sold around the markets in Cassomir and in the Taldan regions beyond.

  Amulet of Water Parting
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 9
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot neck; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This amulet of natural armor +2 is carved from blackwood and often takes abstract artistic forms that incorporate motifs of waves or moving water. When worn, an amulet of water parting confers additional protection from damaging water effects, providing a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells or effects with the water descriptor as well as a +2 deflection bonus to AC against any such spells or effects that require an attack roll.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, control water; Cost 5,000 gp

  Waterblight Scepter
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 9
Aura moderate transmutation CL 9th
Slot none; Price 18,312 gp; Weight 8 lbs.
This gnarled blackwood scepter seeps tar, making it sticky to the touch. Around Cassomir, waterblight scepters are popular among inquisitors, oracles, and witches who regularly ply the Sellen River or the waters of the Inner Sea as members of merchant caravans, pirate crews, or pirate hunters.

The scepter acts as a +1 water-outsider-bane heavy mace. When the scepter is wielded against creatures with the water subtype, damage dealt by the scepter also ignores 10 points of DR. Additionally, the wielder can use water walk once per day for 90 minutes. The duration of this ability need not be used all at once, but it must be used in 10-minute increments.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, water walk; Cost 13,312 gp
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-16, 周二 08:38:39 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第7节。
« 回帖 #6 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:08:49 »
来到过峡(Goka)这个天夏(Tian Xia)最大定居点的旅客,首先会看到高达250尺并分别亮出刃和矛的太阳女神和月亮神的孪生雕像,并且看上去像是在欢迎新的来访者。这座城市位于徐洪湾(Xu Hong Bay)沿岸,从任何经过该地区船只都可以看到其广阔的领土。从几英里外就可以看到过峡宫(Gokan Palace)的巨大塔楼,与之并列的是阿巴达尔大银行(Grand Bank of Abadar)的镀金金字塔和七龙桥(Seven Dragon Bridge)那优雅的尖顶,然后一直延伸到无尽财富之岛(Island of Endless Fortunes)上那招摇的赌场。

赛用服饰商(Tourney Outfitters)

魔法物品(Magic Items)

爆裂流苏(Crackling Tassel)
栏位:无;价格:2,500 GP;重量:-磅

这种常见行头常被黑风(Hei Feng)信徒制作,这些魔法流苏通常被固定在带刃武器的柄上,尽管它们也可以被固定在其他的武器上。流苏除非被附在武器上,否则没有效果,即使如此,它也只能在特定条件下才能被激活。

其持用者可在演武检定(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat第153页)上获得+4环境加值(circumstance bonus)。当其持用者以一个标准动作进行防御式战斗(fight defensively)时,在她下一轮开始之前的下一次对她失手攻击,会导致其攻击者受到3d6点闪电伤害。一旦爆裂流苏已经放电的话,则在24小时内不能被再次使用。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),闪电之盾(defensive shock),催眠术(hypnotism);
制造成本:1,250 GP

点穴手套(Dianxue Gloves)
栏位:手部;价格:3,000 GP;重量:-磅

这些手套被认为是由著名针灸传播者宋白的弟子所开发出来的,它赋予了其穿戴者在医疗——和伤害——活物的艺术上获得强大的技巧。一双点穴手套的穿戴者可在对活物和类人生物的急救、长期护理、和治疗严重伤害的医疗检定上获得+4表现加值(competence bonus)。此外,其穿戴者还可在使用徒手打击和天生武器对活体类人生物的重击确认骰上获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),关照术(status),克敌机先(true strike),制造者必须在医疗上拥有5个等级(creator must have 5 ranks in Heal);
制造成本:1,500 GP

内利长袍(Neili Robes)
栏位:躯体;价格:10,000 GP;重量:1磅

这件黑白色长袍经过特别的制作,以帮助其穿着者调节其体内流动的气,从而发掘出其内在的力量。每轮1次,当其穿着者消耗1点气时,他的AC可获得+1天生防御加值(natural armor bonus)且其力量可获得+1增强加值(enhancement bonus),持续1轮。如果其穿着者在下一轮结束前再消耗一点气的话,其持续时间将延长1回合,且天生防御和增强加值将增加1(最大为+4)。在最后气池点数被消耗后,其在AC和力量上的加值仅能持续1轮。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),制造者必须拥有气池(creator must have a ki pool);
制造成本:5,000 GP


轻型盔甲价格(Price)护甲加值 最大敏捷加值 防具检定减值奥术失败几率30尺速度 20尺速度重量
武艺训练装备(Martial arts training gear)45 gp+1+805%30尺20尺5磅

巴斯顿斗棍(Baston fighting stick)10 gp1d41d6×2-2磅钝击(B)武僧,见下文
反射弓(Reflex bow)125 gp1d41d6×3100尺2磅穿刺(P)见下文

巴斯顿斗棍(Baston fighting stick)
价格:10 GP;类型:简易。
这些或裸装或被精致饰图覆盖的武器是被处理过的木质棍子。巴斯顿斗棍的长度从2尺到4尺不等,而厚度则在1寸至3寸之间。在多数被施用时,这些武器类似于木棒(clubs)或木棍(quarterstaffs),但在训练有素的专家手中,它们确实是出色的武器。一名拥有战斗反射(Combat Reflexes)专长的生物可视该武器具备格挡(blocking)和演武(performance)武器特性(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment第22页)。

武艺训练装备(Martial arts training gear)
价格:45 GP;护甲加值:+1。

反射弓(Reflex bow)
价格:125 GP;类型:军用。
这些C形弓最常被天京(Tianjing)的骑卫在弘古(Hongal)苔原上使用,在罕见的情况下也被夏海(Xa Hoi)的贵族使用。这些弓的独特形状和工艺使它们能够以与长弓相同的速度和力量来射击。较短的尺寸也使它们可在持用者在马背上(或在任何其他坐骑背上)时可以轻松挥舞。在骑乘时,你可在反射弓的攻击骰上获得+1环境加值(circumstance bonus)。所有的反射弓都是复合弓,可以通过与复合弓相同的方式进行修改以获得高力量修正的收益。适用于长弓和短弓的效果也适用于反射弓。

来自地下市场(From The Undermarket)

滴答刃(Clicking Blade)
栏位:无;价格:10,310 GP;重量:3磅

仿改自咔嗒洞(Clicking Caverns)那神秘发条士兵(clockwork soldiers)的武器,这种+1锐锋短剑(+1 keen short sword)是从那滴答作响的发条部件修改而来的。当以它在一次打击中击偏时,魔导技术(Technomagical)的内在机制有助于其剑刃实现准确打击。每日1次,当持用者使用该武器造成偷袭或精准伤害时,它可在骰下该偷袭伤害骰或精准伤害骰后,但在施加其伤害之前,重骰该伤害骰。当以该能力重骰该伤害骰时,其伤害骰会减小1级(比如d6骰变d4骰,而d8骰则会变成d6骰)。

制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),次等物体占据术(lesser object possession);
制造成本:5,310 GP

力之荒疫(Might blight)
价格:60 GP;重量:-磅。
类型:伤口(injury);豁免:强韧DC 13

劇透 -   :

Visitors to Goka, Tian Xia’s largest settlement, first encounter twin statues of the sun goddess and the moon god that rise 250 feet into the air, seemingly welcoming newcomers while also presenting readied blade and spear, respectively. The city lies along the shore of the Xu Hong Bay, its expansive territorial footprint visible from any ship passing through the region. The immense towers of Gokan Palace can be seen from miles away, alongside the gilded ziggurat of the Grand Bank of Abadar and the graceful spires of the Seven Dragon Bridge stretching to the ostentatious gambling halls on the Island of Endless Fortunes.

Tourney Outfitters
The following pieces of equipment represent just some of the sought-after items in Goka’s unique markets.

Magic Items
Much of the magical gear available in Goka is crafted to enhance inward discipline and outward performance.

  Crackling Tassel
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 10
Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th
Slot none; Price 2,500 gp; Weight —
A common accoutrement often crafted by worshipers of Hei Feng, these magical tassels are usually affixed to the pommels of bladed weapons, though they can be fastened to other weapons as well. The tassel has no effect unless attached to a weapon, and even then, it activates only under certain conditions.

The wielder gains a +4 circumstance bonus on performance combat checks (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 153). When the wielder takes a standard action to fight defensively, the next attack that misses her before the start of her next round causes the attacker to take 3d6 points of electricity damage. Once the electricity is discharged, the crackling tassel can’t be used again for 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, defensive shock, hypnotism; Cost 1,250 gp

  Dianxue Gloves
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 10
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 3,000 gp; Weight —
Thought to have been developed by disciples of Soong Bai, the famous promulgator of acupuncture, these gloves grant their wearer powerful skills in the arts of healing—and harming—living beings. The wearer of a pair of dianxue gloves gains a +4 competence bonus on Heal checks to provide first aid, long-term care, and to treat deadly wounds for living, humanoid creatures. In addition, the wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits with unarmed strikes or with natural weapons against living humanoid creatures.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, status, true strike, creator must have 5 ranks in Heal; Cost 1,500 gp

  Neili Robes
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 10
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 11th
Slot body; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This black-and-white robe is specially crafted to help the wearer regulate the flow of ki in his body, allowing for the generation of internal strength. Once per round when the wearer spends a ki point, he gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC and a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 round. If the wearer spends another ki point before the end of his next turn, the duration is extended by 1 round and the natural armor and enhancement bonuses are increased by 1 (to a maximum of +4). The bonuses to AC and Strength last for only 1 round following the expenditure of the last ki point.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have a ki pool; Cost 5,000 gp

Weapons and armor common to multiple regions of Tian Xia can be found in Goka.

轻型盔甲价格(Price)护甲加值 最大敏捷加值 防具检定减值奥术失败几率30尺速度 20尺速度重量
武艺训练装备(Martial arts training gear)45 gp+1+805%30尺20尺5磅

巴斯顿斗棍(Baston fighting stick)10 gp1d41d6×2-2磅钝击(B)武僧,见下文
反射弓(Reflex bow)125 gp1d41d6×3100尺2磅穿刺(P)见下文

  Baston fighting stick
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 11
Cost 10 gp Weight 2 lbs.
Damage 1d4 (small), 1d6 (medium); Critical x2; Range —; Type B; Special Monk, see text
Category One-Handed; Proficiency Simple
These weapons are treated sticks of wood, either left bare or covered in elaborate decorative designs. Baston fighting sticks vary in length from 2 to 4 feet, with thicknesses varying between 1 to 3 inches. In most applications, these weapons are similar to clubs or quarterstaffs, but in the hands of a trained expert, they truly shine. A creature with the Combat Reflexes feat treats the weapon as having the blocking and performance weapon special features (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 22).

  Martial arts training gear
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 11
Cost 45 gp Weight 5 lbs.
Armor Bonus +1; Max Dex Bonus +8; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 5%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.
This armor consists of several sections of curved padding held together by an assembly of leather straps. Meant to be worn during martial arts sparring contests, the armor absorbs blows from training weapons and unarmed strikes. The wearer reduces nonlethal damage caused by physical attacks, including natural attacks, by 2 points of damage. The wearer also ignores the first point of lethal bludgeoning damage from natural attacks.

Reflex bow
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 11
Cost 125 gp Weight 2 lbs.
Damage 1d4 (small), 1d6 (medium); Critical x3; Range 100 ft.; Type P; Special See text
Category Ranged; Proficiency Martial
These C-shaped bows are most often used in the Hongal tundra by the outriders of Tianjing, and in rare cases by the nobility of Xa Hoi. The unique shape and craft of these bows allows them to shoot with the same velocity and power as a longbow. The shorter size also allows them to be wielded easily while mounted on horseback (or atop any other steed). While mounted, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with a reflex bow. All reflex bows are composite bows and can be modified to benefit from high Strength scores in the same way as composite bows. Effects that apply to both longbows and shortbows also apply to reflex bows.

From The Undermarket
Within Goka’s Undermarket, illicit traders maintain a modicum of legitimacy to the scrupulous wares they sell. The following are some of the magic items and poisons found in Goka’s thriving Undermarket bazaars.

  Clicking Blade
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 11
Aura moderate necromancy CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,310 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Adapted from the weapons of the Clicking Caverns’ mysterious clockwork soldiers, this +1 keen short sword is modified with ticking clockwork components. Technomagical internal mechanisms help the blade strike true when it would otherwise deliver a glancing blow. Once per day, when the wielder deals sneak attack or precision damage with this weapon, she can reroll the sneak attack or precision damage dice after the damage is rolled, but before the damage is applied. When the damage dice are rerolled with this ability, they are reduced by one step (for example, d6s become d4s, and d8s become d6s).
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, lesser object possession; Price 5,310 gp

Might blight
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 11
Price 60 gp; Weight —
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Effect 1 Str damage
Cure 2 consecutive saves
The ratfolk of Diguo-Dashu, the “Empire of the Rats,” developed this poison to help their soldiers in overtaking foes. The poison produces lactic acids that slowly degrade the target’s muscles, though for full efficacy, an exceptionally high dosage, repeated application, or a particularly feeble opponent is required.
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-10, 周五 08:46:13 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第8节。
« 回帖 #7 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:09:22 »


精灵华服(Elven Finery)

依艾达拉军礼服(Iadaran Dress Uniform)
栏位:盔甲;价格:2,625 GP;重量:5磅

这件从奇奥尼(Kyonin)精心制作的+1秘银典礼护甲(+1 mithral parade armor)如同普通的服饰一样轻盈舒适。当其穿戴者与贵族或朝臣们交流时,一套依艾达拉军礼服视为一套礼服(courtier’s outfit)(包含了适当珠宝饰物),另外在影响来自精灵母国的人时还会在交涉和威吓检定上提供+2环境加值(circumstance bonus)。此外,其穿戴者在以直觉知晓一名生物隐瞒其真实想法、感情、或动机的察觉和察言观色检定上,也可以获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。

制造条件:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Wondrous Item),枭之睿智(owl’s wisdom),制造者必须是精灵(creator must be an elf);
制造成本:2,265 GP

雅致变小长裙(Gown of Graceful Petiteness)
栏位:躯体;价格:3,500 GP;重量:1磅

这些精美的衣物是用以魔法保养并层层叠放的叶片精心编织而成。这些礼服最初是为精灵外交官定制的,他们经常与侏儒以及其他小体型种族的成员互动,但它们的用途已经遍及整个阿维斯坦(Avistan)。一名中体型的类人生物需要连续1分钟才能穿戴一件雅致变小长裙,并在这段时间结束后,立即减至小体型。这如同缩小术(reduce person)一般运作,除了它不能为敏捷提供体型加值,或调整穿戴者身上除长裙本身之外的物品的大小。脱下长裙还需要1分钟的时间,然后将长裙和穿着者穿戴者至原来的尺寸。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),缩小术(reduce person),制造者必须是精灵(creator must be an elf);
制造成本:1,750 GP

星光之戒(Ring of Starlight)
栏位:戒指;价格:1,600 GP;重量:-磅

这枚光滑的秘银戒指闪烁着微弱的光芒,并且接近端详银色金属的内侧,则映出一片繁星点点的夜空的倒影。以一个迅捷动作,通过在在物品或身体部位上挥舞着佩戴着戒指的手,星光之戒的佩戴者可使其部分身体或她所拥有的物品发出彩光,如同一道妖火(faerie fire)。这种发光持续1小时,直到以自由动作解消,或者直到戒指被移除。此持续时间不需要一次性使用,但必须以10分钟为增量使用。(每当时间被用到了一次持续时间增量时,其佩戴者可以选择所发光的身体部分或所拥有的物品。)此外,每日3次以一个标准动作,佩戴着该戒指允许施法者可以以命令字使用舞光术(dancing lights)。

制造条件:锻造戒指(Forge Ring),舞光术(dancing lights),妖火(faerie fire);
制造成本:800 GP

关注面纱(Veil of Attentiveness)
栏位:头部;价格:750 GP;重量:-磅


关注面纱的穿戴者在领会其他意义或发现可能的欺骗时,在基于听力的察觉检定和察言观色检定上获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。此外,当听到多个说话者的声音时,穿戴着关注面纱者可以理解每个说话者,就好像她仅听着那个声音一样。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),感官锐化(keen senses);
制造成本:375 GP

劇透 -   :

The capital of the elven nation of Kyonin is home to some of the greatest artisans on Golarion. While the elves are often suspicious of outsiders who seek to cross their borders, they happily trade with merchants from other lands, spreading the crafts of Iadara far beyond the elves’ woodland realm.

Buyers throughout the Inner Sea region eagerly seek out the works of Iadara’s elven clothiers, jewelers, and smiths for their beauty and functionality. Elven creations may seem delicate, given their elegant metallic filigree and sheer layered silks, but they are every bit as sturdy as any other race’s work.

Elven Finery

The works of Iadara’s artisans are prized throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond for their beauty and usefulness. Though the crafting of some of these pieces of magical finery is still primarily the purview of elves, the techniques for creating many have become more widely known throughout the Inner Sea region.

  Iadaran Dress Uniform
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 12
Aura faint transmutation CL 3rd
Slot armor; Price 2,625 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This finely crafted +1 mithral parade armor from Kyonin is as light and comfortable as regular clothing. An Iadaran dress uniform counts as a courtier’s outfit (including appropriate jewelry) when the wearer is interacting with nobles or courtiers, in addition to providing a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to influence people from the elven home nation. Further, the wearer also gains a +2 competence bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks to intuit that a creature is concealing its true beliefs, feelings, or motives.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, owl’s wisdom, creator must be an elf; Price 2,265 gp

  Gown of Graceful Petiteness
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 12
Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot body; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These fine dresses are delicately woven with magically preserved and layered leaves. The dresses were originally commissioned for elven diplomats who often interacted with gnomes and other members of Small races, but their use has spread across Avistan. A Medium humanoid who takes 1 interrupted minute to don a gown of graceful petitenes is, at the end of that time, immediately reduced to Small size. This acts as reduce person, except that it does not grant a size bonus to Dexterity or resize items on the wearer’s person other than the gown itself. Taking off the gown also requires 1 interrupted minute and returns the gown and its wearer to their original sizes.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, reduce person, creator must be an elf; Cost 1,750 gp

  Ring of Starlight
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 12
Aura faint evocation CL 1st
Slot ring; Price 1,600 gp; Weight —
This smooth mithral ring glimmers with light, and a close look reveals the reflection of a starry night sky within the silvery metal. The wearer of a ring of starlight can cause portions of her body or items in her possession to glow with colorful light, as per faerie fire, by waving the hand adorned with the ring over the item or body part as a swift action. This glow lasts for 1 hour, until dismissed as a free action, or until the ring is removed. This duration need not be used all at once, but must be used in 10-minute increments. (Each time an increment of duration is used, the wearer can choose the portion of her body or item in her possession that glows.) In addition, wearing the ring allows the caster to use dancing lights on command three times per day as a standard action.
Requirements Forge Ring, dancing lights, faerie fire; Cost 800 gp

  Veil of Attentiveness
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 12
Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 750 gp; Weight —
This gauzy veil sharpens the wearer’s hearing, enhances her ability to interpret others’ words, and improves her ability to perceive multiple conversations simultaneously. Veils of attentiveness have historically been popular among Iadaran diplomats or savvy elven political players in densely populated places. They are still especially prized in crowded areas where nobles gather, such as royal courts or upscale dining and lounging establishments in Iadara and beyond.

The wearer of a veil of attentiveness gains a +2 competence bonus on hearing-based Perception checks and on Sense Motive checks to interpret others’ meaning or to detect possible deception. In addition, when listening to multiple speakers’ voices, the wearer of a veil of attentiveness can understand each speaker as though she were listening only to that voice.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, keen senses; Cost 375 gp
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-09, 周四 08:46:11 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第9节。
« 回帖 #8 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:10:04 »
到目前为止,强大的喀斯嘉德(Kalsgard)可能是林诺姆诸王之地(Lands of the Linnorm Kings)最大的城市,自豪的拥有着乌尔芬(Ulfen)、天夏(Tians)、矮人(dwarves)等世界各地的人,以及无数来自远方旅行者。通过这座城市的贸易流,既有流霜河(Rimeflow River)的,也有蒸气海(Steaming Sea)的,但迄今最非凡的贸易流来自于阿干赫伊之道(Path of Aganhei),一条蜿蜒穿过世界之冠(Crown of the World)并能抵达天夏(Tian Xia)的陆运贸易路线。


琥珀区出售(Amber Quarter Exports)

噬巫者护符(Hexbiter Charm)
栏位:颈部或肩部;价格:180 GP;重量:-磅

这种海象形的护符通常由象牙或骨骸雕刻而成。当被一道拥有「诅咒」描述符的女巫巫术或效果作为目标时,其佩戴者可以以一个直觉动作激活该护符,并在抵抗「诅咒」效果的豁免骰上获得+3抗力加值(resistance bonus)。如果其穿戴者以被「诅咒」效果影响的话,他


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),提升抗力(resistance);
制造成本:90 GP

猞猁眼护符(Lynx Eye Charm)
栏位:颈部或肩部;价格:350 GP;重量:-磅

这种护符通常呈球形且其颜色为斑驳的琥珀色。这种琥珀护符的天然包纳物让它看起来像一只眼睛。当其被一个迅捷动作激活时,猞猁眼护符可赋予其佩戴者3分钟昏暗视觉。如果是被一个标准动作激活的话,该护符可赋予其佩戴者的好处会被替换为持续3轮的黑暗视觉(darkvision)和识破隐形(see invisibility)。


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),黑暗视觉(darkvision),识破隐形(see invisibility);
制造成本:175 GP

在北方生存(Surviving The North)

加热手套(Heated gloves)
价格:2 GP;重量:1磅。
这双厚厚的毛皮衬里手套里有几个内袋,里面有着分装的炼金料包,这些炼金料包在被破碎并混合时会产生4小时的热量。其穿戴者可以以一个整轮动作按摩手套以激活这些热包。当热包持续发热时,穿戴者在执行攀爬、解除装置和巧手检定时,可忽略疲乏(fatigued)状态下在力量和敏捷上的罚值。更换热包的费用为1 GP,手套中的热包可以通过1分钟的不间断工作来更换。

塑霜者手套(Rimeshaper Gloves)
栏位:手部;价格:3,000 GP;重量:1磅

这双时髦的手套带有淡淡的鳞纹并闪烁着微光,就仿佛被冰晶覆盖一样。当处于寒冷(cold)或更严寒的天气时(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook第444页),塑霜者手套可允许其穿戴者将其附近的雪或冰凝固成一把质量为正常且硬度为2的轻型或单手武器。制造这样一把武器所需的时间与从鞘中抽出武器所需时间相同,例如,对于大多数人来说,这是一个移动动作,但对于具有即时备战(Quick Draw)专长或类似能力的穿戴者来说,其速度会更快。如果有1整轮时间处于无主的话,这些武器就会蒸发;否则,它们会持续1分钟,然后融化成无害的液体。亦或者,以一个移动动作,其穿戴者可以在该手套上塑造出实体冰晶,使其充当一双精制品带刺铁手套(masterwork spiked gauntlets),且也能赋予其攀爬检定+2表现加值(competence bonus)。该效果可持续到它以标准动作被解消为止。最后,该手套可赋予其穿戴者5点寒冷抗力。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),冻寒金属或寒冰匕首(chill metal or icicle dagger);
制造成本:1,500 GP

劇透 -   :

By far the largest city in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, mighty Kalsgard boasts a cosmopolitan population of Ulfen, Tians, dwarves, and countless travelers from beyond. Trade flows through the city, both from the Rimeflow River and from the Steaming Sea, yet the most extraordinary avenue is the Path of Aganhei, an overland trade route that winds through the Crown of the World to reach Tian Xia.

As a result, Kalsgard not only is the leading source of Tian goods in Avistan, but also exports a wealth of weapons, ambergris, preserved seafood, ships, furs, cold weather gear, and more. The city’s Amber Quarter is especially famous for its uniquely pure amber tokens and scrimshaw carvings, many of which impart minor magical boons to their wearers.

Amber Quarter Exports

The following items represent several magical charms commonly sold in Kalsgard.

Each of these charms can be used once, after which the charm’s magic is gone forever. A charm occupies the wearer’s shoulders or neck slot, though it can share that slot with one other magic item (as a cloak pin or token hanging from a necklace, for example). A character can never wear more than one charm at a time.

  Hexbiter Charm
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 13
Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd
Slot neck or shoulder; Price 180 gp; Weight —
This walrus-shaped charm is typically carved from ivory or bone. When targeted by a witch’s hex or an effect with the curse descriptor, the wearer can activate this charm as an immediate action to gain a +3 resistance bonus on the saving throw to resist the curse effect. If the wearer is affected by the curse effect, he gains a +2 bonus on any subsequent saving throws to resist the effect for up to 1 week, and he gains a +3 bonus on any caster level checks he attempts to remove the effect (such as with remove curse) during this time.

This charm can only be used once, after which the charm’s magic is gone forever. A charm occupies the wearer’s shoulders or neck slot, though it can share that slot with one other magic item (as a cloak pin or token hanging from a necklace, for example). A character can never wear more than one charm at a time.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resistance; Cost 90 gp

  Lynx Eye Charm
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 13
Aura faint divination and transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck or shoulder; Price 350 gp; Weight —
This charm is typically spherical in shape and a mottled amber in color. A natural inclusion in this amber charm gives it the appearance of an eye. When activated as a swift action, the lynx eye charm grants its wearer low-light vision for 3 minutes. If activated as a standard action, the charm instead grants its wearer the benefits of darkvision or see invisibility for 3 rounds.

This charm can only be used once, after which the charm’s magic is gone forever. A charm occupies the wearer’s shoulders or neck slot, though it can share that slot with one other magic item (as a cloak pin or token hanging from a necklace, for example). A character can never wear more than one charm at a time.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, see invisibility; Cost 175 gp

Surviving The North
The Ulfen and Varki people rely on specialized gear to survive their frigid home. Some examples of gear commonly used in Kalsgard are presented below.

  Heated gloves
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 13
Price 2 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Clothing
These thick, fur-lined gloves have several internal pockets containing segmented packets of alchemical reagents that produce heat for 4 hours when broken and mixed. The wearer can massage the gloves to activate these heat packets as a full-round action. While the heat packets last, the wearer ignores the Strength and Dexterity penalties from the fatigued condition when performing Climb, Disable Device, and Sleight of Hand checks. Replacement heat packets cost 1 gp, and the heat packets in the gloves can be replaced with 1 minute of uninterrupted work.

  Rimeshaper Gloves
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 13
Aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot hands; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These sleek gloves bear a faint scaled pattern and shimmer slightly, as if they were covered in ice crystals. While in cold or colder weather (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444), rimeshaper gloves allow the wearer to solidify nearby snow or ice into a light or one-handed weapon of normal quality with a hardness of 2. Creating such a weapon takes the same amount of time that it would take to draw it from a sheath—a move action for most, but faster for a wearer with the Quick Draw feat or a similar ability, for example. These weapons evaporate if left unattended for 1 round; otherwise, they last for 1 minute, after which they melt into pure liquid. Alternatively, as a move action, the wearer can cause actual ice crystals to form over the gloves, causing them to act as masterwork spiked gauntlets that also grant a +2 competence bonus on Climb checks. This effect lasts until it is dismissed as a standard action. Finally, the gloves grant the wearer cold resistance 5.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy, chill metal or icicle dagger; Cost 1,500 gp
« 上次编辑: 2023-03-09, 周四 08:39:06 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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商人货单(Merchant's Manifest),第10节。
« 回帖 #9 于: 2023-03-01, 周三 15:10:31 »
卡塔佩什(KATAPESH)|卡塔佩什章节的翻译全部致谢 海上钓鲸客


盾徽装备(Aspis Gear)

渺茫希望护臂( Armguards of Waning Hope)
栏位:手部;价格:2,5000 GP;重量:1磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),虹吸咒(siphon magic);
制造成本:1,2500 GP

秘密机关徽章(Banner of Piracy)
栏位:无;价格:3,500 GP;重量:-磅


如果当地城镇的执法者不佩戴徽章的话,那么激活此物件不会伴随可见的效果,但是穿戴者仍会在持续时间内获得唬骗上的加值。一个和激活了的徽章互动(比如靠近仔细检查或者碰触其)的生物可以通过DC 14的意志检定发现徽章是假的。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),易容术(disguise self);
制造成本:1,750 GP

劫掠者挎包(Looter's Satchel)
栏位:无;价格:3,200 GP;重量:15磅

这种栗色挎包上绣着微微发光的符文。该挎包如同一型次元袋(bag of holding, type I)一般运作。此外,只要该挎包没有超载的话,其携带者就可以将其放在已死亡或无意识的相邻生物身上,并说出命令字。当该命令字被说出后,该生物身上的任何魔法物品(比如魔法武器和护甲、魔法药水、魔法卷轴、和奇物)均会被移除,并被放入该袋中。该过程需要1个不受阻挡的整轮。如果其携带者在该挎包以这种方式收集物品时移动到不同的空间,则不会有物品被移动到该挎包中,而其携带者在之后必须重新开始该过程。如果该挎包因其目标生物身上的魔法物品而超载,它会尽可能多地从最小到最大运送魔法物品,直到超载,此时它会停止收集物品。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),法师之手(mage hand),秘藏箱(secret chest);
制造成本:1,600 GP

血牙项链(Necklace of Bloody Incisors)
栏位:颈部;价格:1,850 GP;重量:-磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),高等魔牙术(greater magic fang);
制造成本:925 GP

卡塔佩什杂物(Katapeshi Sundries)

热切搜索者手套(Fervent Searcher's Gloves)
栏位:手部;价格:7,400 GP;重量:-磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),残痕显影术(residual tracking);
制造成本:3,700 GP

渴影护喉(Gorget of Umbral Hunger)
栏位:颈部;价格:6,500 GP;重量:-磅

这套装饰繁复的护喉紧紧地套住脖子,中间嵌有一颗红宝石。当穿戴者进入一个昏暗光照或黑暗(包括魔法黑暗)下的区域时, 红宝石将会发出暗淡的光,并且给予穿戴者快速治疗1。此护喉每日最多可以治疗20点伤害,在那之后快速治疗效果中止,护喉也将变得暗淡,直到第二天其魔法恢复为止。不论伤害来源为何,此护喉都能恢复生命值,但是在护喉的快速治疗效果激活时穿戴者将会被侦测为邪恶生物,这不会对穿戴者的阵营有长期影响。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),地狱治疗(infernal healing);
制造成本:3,250 GP

闪耀真相提灯(Lantern of the Shining Truth)
栏位:无;价格:5,400 GP;重量:2磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),闪光尘(glitterdust),光亮术(light);
制造成本:2,700 GP

通行羽毛笔(Quill of Passage)
栏位:无;价格:5,000 GP;重量:-磅


制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),敲击术(knock),门户错觉(open and shut);
制造成本:2,500 GP

劇透 -   :

The metropolis of Katapesh, the City of Trade, nestles between the Obari Ocean to the east and the searing sands of the nation of Katapesh to the west. Katapesh began thousands of years ago as an outpost of Sarenites who established what they called the Golden City in a lush valley. Now a massive settlement of more than 200,000 souls, Katapesh is known for its tightly regulated commerce involving an astonishing diversity of items, and the city thrives as a result of its exports and multitudes of bazaars.

Trade guilds covering every profession are scattered throughout Katapesh. In addition, several other trade-based organizations work in Katapesh, including the infamous Aspis Consortium, which keeps a major base of operations here. The Consortium is an unscrupulous international organization that attracts shady merchandise and even shadier operatives, and the choicest items its agents secure often find their way into Katapesh’s bazaars. The Pactmasters, Katapesh’s mysterious rulers, impose few restrictions and see to it that even Aspis-related trade flows smoothly, ensuring that both legitimate goods and those of more questionable use or origin can be easily found.

Aspis Gear
The following items were created by and for the Aspis Consortium and have since found their way into the hands of the general populace.

  Armguards of Waning Hope
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 14
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th
Slot hands; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Runes spiral and skitter across these leather bracers, which are adorned with small spikes. Twice per day, as a swift action after making a successful attack against a creature, the wearer can say the command word to steal all morale bonuses from which the creature is benefiting (this includes morale bonuses on attack rolls, on checks, to AC, or to any other statistics). These bonuses affect the wearer instead of the creature for 9 rounds. After this duration, if the morale bonuses’ durations haven’t elapsed, the bonuses cease affecting the wearer and resume affecting the original creature as normal. If the wearer attempts to activate this effect against a creature not benefiting from any morale bonuses, a daily use of the item is wasted.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, siphon magic; Cost 12,500 gp

  Badge of Veiled Authority
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 14
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 3,500 gp; Weight —
This golden badge has a snake etched onto it that shimmers slightly in the sunlight. Twice per day as a standard action, the wearer can tap the badge. When she does, the badge transforms into one identical to those worn by the local law enforcement of the city or town in which the wearer is located. This effect lasts for 3 hours each time it is activated, though the wearer can dismiss the effect as a free action. Additionally, while this badge’s magic is active, it provides the wearer with a +5 competence bonus on Bluff checks. Once the badge’s magic has been activated, any creature can wear it in its transformed form and receive the bonus on Bluff checks, though only the original wearer can end the effect before its duration has elapsed.

If members of the town or city’s law enforcement do not wear badges, activating this item has no physical effect, but the wearer still receives the bonus on Bluff checks while the effect lasts. A creature that interacts with the badge while its magic is active (such as by examining it closely or touching it) can recognize that the badge is fake with a successful DC 14 Will saving throw.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 1,750 gp

  Looter's Satchel
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 14
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 3,200 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This maroon satchel is embroidered with slightly glowing runes. The satchel functions as a bag of holding (type I). Additionally, as long as the satchel is not overloaded, the bearer can hold it over an adjacent creature that is dead or unconscious and speak a command word. When the command word is spoken, the satchel removes any magic items from the creature’s person (such as magic weapons and armor, potions, scrolls, and wondrous items) and deposits them into the bag. This process takes 1 uninterrupted round. If the bearer moves into a different space while the satchel is gathering items in this way, no items are moved into the satchel and the bearer must start the process over. If the satchel would become overloaded from the creature’s magic items, it transports as many magic items as it can, from smallest to largest, until it would become overloaded, at which point it stops gathering items.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand, secret chest; Cost 1,600 gp

  Necklace of Bloody Incisors
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 14
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 1,850 gp; Weight —
This thin iron chain holds up to 10 extracted teeth of common predatory animals strung along it. As a move action, the wearer can place up to three teeth into a thrown splash weapon or an alchemist’s bomb. When such a splash weapon or bomb hits a target, it deals an additional 1d4 points of slashing damage per tooth used. Each tooth used in such a splash weapon or bomb also increases its splash damage by 2 points of slashing damage per tooth. Once all of the necklace’s teeth are used in this way, the necklace’s magic is expended. A newly purchased necklace of bloody incisors contains 10 extracted teeth.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang; Cost 925 gp

Katapeshi Sundries
The following equipment is common in the many bazaars of Katapesh, and as a major trade hub, these items have made their way across Garund and beyond.

  Fervent Searcher's Gloves
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 15
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 7,400 gp; Weight —
These dark blue, silken gloves are fingerless. Twice per day as a move action, the wearer can touch the ground or any other solid surface and say the command word to visibly reveal all footprints within 20 feet. When the gloves reveal footprints in this way, the wearer gains a +5 bonus on Survival checks to follow those tracks.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, residual tracking; Cost 3,700 gp

  Gorget of Umbral Hunger
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 15
Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 6,500 gp; Weight —
This intricately decorated bronze necklace fits tightly across the neck and houses a ruby in its center. Whenever the wearer of the necklace is in an area of dim light or darkness, including magical darkness, the ruby begins to glow and grants the wearer fast healing 1. The necklace can restore up to 20 hit points per day, after which its fast healing effect ends and the gorget becomes inert until its magic resets the next day. This fast healing can restore hit points regardless of the source of the damage, but the wearer detects as an evil creature while the gorget’s fast healing ability is active. This has no long-term effect on the wearer’s alignment.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, infernal healing; Cost 3,250 gp

  Lantern of the Shining Truth
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 15
Aura faint conjuration and evocation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 5,400 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This lightweight iron lantern houses a citrine gemstone that shines brightly with arcane energy as if affected by a permanent light spell. The bearer can suppress the lantern’s light or cause it to resume with a command word. Additionally, once per day by saying a different command word, the bearer can use the lantern to cast glitterdust in a 10-foot-radius spread. Any creature caught in the effect must succeed at a DC 15 Will saving throw or be blinded for 3 rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust, light; Cost 2,700 gp

Quill of Passage
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 15
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight —
This black-feathered quill has a glowing nib with a small amount of glowing ink inside it. Three times per day, the bearer can place the quill’s nib against a wall and say a command word to cause the ink to flow from the pen and draw a doorway onto the wall. The doorway persists for 10 minutes, during which any number of creatures can spend a move action to walk through the door as if it were real. Doorways can be created in this way only on walls that are no more than 6 inches thick. Additionally, a doorway cannot be created if the space on the other side of the targeted wall is blocked (such as by solid stone or dirt, furniture, or another impediment). If the bearer attempts to create a doorway in such an impossible place, the quill’s ink simply doesn’t flow and a daily use of this item is not expended.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, knock, open and shut; Cost 2,500 gp
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