作者 主题: 【简易翻译】注意!克苏鲁 调查员指南【第二章】  (阅读 29098 次)

副标题: 让家里的火继续燃烧

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显而易见(Crystal Clear)
« 回帖 #20 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:09:09 »
(Without television, most people get their news from one of four sources: gossip, the cinema, newspapers, or the radio, and most often from a combination of them all. The radio is also a significant weapon in the battle to maintain a nation’s mood, with light music, entertainment, and comedy programming as equally important as the news. It can also be educational: every morning, the BBC runs a programme called “Kitchen Front” to help people make the most of their rations.)
无线电也可以用于宣传目的,轴心国和盟国在整个战争期间都利用这一事实,有些比其他更成功。1939年9月,霍华德勋爵在他的节目《德国召唤》中开始从德国向英国和美国广播。这个别名,被许多广播公司使用,最常用来指威廉乔伊斯,一个爱尔兰裔美国法西斯。英国有自己的宣传广播节目,其中“黑色”广播电台由政治战执行官(PWE)负责,特别是丹尼斯·塞夫顿·德尔默(Denis Sefton Delmer)。不过,英国广播公司并没有参与任何不正当的宣传传播,以确保其国际信誉不受损害。
(Radio can also be harnessed for propaganda purposes, and both the Axis and the Allies make use of this fact throughout the war, some more successfully than others. In September 1939, Lord Haw Haw begins broadcasting from Germany to Great Britain and America in his programme “Germany Calling”. The alias, used by many broadcasters, is most often used to refer to William Joyce, an Irish-American fascist. Britain runs its own propaganda radio programmes, with “black” radio stations taken care of by the Political Warfare Executive (PWE), and in particular Denis Sefton Delmer. The BBC, however, is not involved in any underhanded propaganda dissemination in order to ensure that its international reputation for trustworthiness is not compromised.)
(Loose Lips)
(Censorship of the press is an unwelcome concept when countries claim to be fighting for freedom. In Britain, the Ministry of Information takes on press censorship as soon as war is declared, preventing the publication or broadcast of any news item that could damage public morale, although the BBC is allowed to self-censor its radio broadcasts and refrains from commenting on news items.)

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放纵口舌(Loose Lips)
« 回帖 #21 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:09:29 »
(Censorship of the press is an unwelcome concept when countries claim to be fighting for freedom. In Britain, the Ministry of Information takes on press censorship as soon as war is declared, preventing the publication or broadcast of any news item that could damage public morale, although the BBC is allowed to self-censor its radio broadcasts and refrains from commenting on news items.)
(As early as 1938, the United States passes laws preventing the unauthorised photography, sketching, and mapping of military bases. President Roosevelt, reluctant to use the powers of press censorship available to him, only insists that stories must be accurate and incapable of helping the enemy. The censoring of mail and communications begins in the United States in December 1941 with the passing of the first War Powers Act, and in January 1942 the Office of Censorship issues its first Voluntary Code, enabling the American press to self-censor. )
(Although American censorship is predominantly self-imposed, there are certain areas that are off-limits. Broadcasting about the weather is a very contentious topic, as it is feared it could give away vital strategic information to an enemy planning a raid, and half of all Code violations involve the weather. “Man in the street” broadcasts are also banned in an attempt to prevent enemy agents using them to pass messages to each other, even though this leads to a loss in advertising revenue for the radio stations. Something else that is discouraged is the playing of specifically timed musical requests and lost and found advertisements, as they are also good ways for enemy spies to communicate.)
(Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, tightly controls the dissemination of information within Germany and its occupied territories, through a variety of media. Listening to foreign radio stations, or reading foreign newspapers is severely punished. The German people, though, grow disillusioned with patently false news reports as the war progresses, becoming increasingly aware that the press in general is just another cog in Goebbels’ unrelenting propaganda machine.)

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“我不介意!”(“Don’t Mind If I Do!”)
« 回帖 #22 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:09:47 »
由喜剧演员汤米·汉德利主演,由特德·卡瓦纳合作,《就是那个男人(ITMA)》于1939年7月在BBC电台开播,最初每两周运行一次,其动作在海盗广播台上进行。 它以流行的提及希特勒的新闻方法而得名,克服了战争宣告后听众的最初热情不足。 汤米搬到特维普斯加重与神秘部办公室,然后搬到海边度假胜地“起泡沫的泡沫(Foaming at the Mouth)”,该节目是英国广播电台最受欢迎的节目之一,并催生了许多知名人物和流行语。
(Starring comedian Tommy Handley and co-written by Ted Kavanagh, It’s That Man Again (ITMA) starts on BBC radio in July, 1939, with an initial fortnightly run and the action set on a pirate radio station. Taking its name from a popular press method of referring to Hitler, it overcomes an initial lack of enthusiasm from the listening public after the declaration of war. With Tommy moving to the Office of Twerps’ Ministry for Aggravation and Mysteries, and then to the seaside resort of Foaming at the Mouth, the show is one of the most popular on British radio and spawns a host of well-known characters and catchphrases.)

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各个时代的电影(Movies of the Era)
« 回帖 #23 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:10:28 »
罗宾汉历险记(1938); 黎明巡逻队(1938); 巴斯克维尔猎犬(1939); 驿马车(1939); 乱世佳人(1939); 绿野仙踪(1939); 大独裁者(1940); 费城故事(1940); 皮诺曹(1940); 新加坡之路(1940); 公民凯恩(1941); 马耳他猎鹰(1941); 卡萨布兰卡(1942); 猫人(1942); 我和僵尸同行(1943); 双重赔偿(1944); 有和没有(1944)。
(The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938); The Dawn Patrol (1938); The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939); Stagecoach (1939); Gone With The Wind (1939); The Wizard of Oz (1939); The Great Dictator (1940); The Philadelphia Story (1940); Pinocchio (1940); The Road To Singapore (1940); Citizen Kane (1941); The Maltese Falcon (1941); Casablanca (1942); Cat People (1942); I Walked With A Zombie (1943); Double Indemnity (1944); To Have and Have Not (1944).)
(The Thirty-Nine Steps (1935); The Lady Vanishes (1938); The Four Feathers (1939); Goodbye, Mr Chips (1940); Let George Do It! (1940); 49th Parallel (1941); “Pimpernel” Smith (1941); The First of The Few (1942); In Which We Serve (1942); Went the Day Well? (1942); The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943); We Dive At Dawn (1943); Fanny By Gaslight (1944); Henry V (1944); The Way Ahead (1944); Brief Encounter (1945).)
日升起(1939); 游戏规则(1939); 红磨坊(1940); 失落的天堂(1940); 拖车(1941); 凶手现年21岁(1942年)。 晚间访问者(1942); 乌鸦(1943); 永恒的回归(1943); 天堂是你的(1944); 天堂之子(1945)
(Le Jour se lève (1939); La Règle du Jeu (1939); Moulin Rouge (1940); Paradis Perdu (1940); Remorques (1941); L’assasin habite au 21 (1942); Les Visiteurs du Soir (1942); Le Corbeau (1943); L’Éternel retour (1943); Le Ciel est à Vous (1944); Les Enfants du Paradis (1945))
(Triumph des Willens (1935); Der Hund von Baskerville (1936); Die Reise nach Tilsit (1939); Bismarck (1940); Jud Süß (1940); Die grosse Liebe (1942); Münchhausen (1943); Titanic (1943); Die Degenhardts (1944); Die Feuerzangenbowle (1944).)

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灰色阴影(Shades of Grey)
« 回帖 #24 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:11:05 »
宣传采取多种形式,并且在许多不同的层面上运作。 白色宣传是最明显的类型,显然来自播放它的侧面。 战争期间发行的许多电影都是伪装成白色的宣传和鼓舞士气的作品。 灰色宣传通常没有明确可辨的来源,而黑色宣传则实际上是从另一方发出的。 黑色宣传巧妙地将八卦,小说和真相混为一谈,巧妙地出售了广播公司想要的谎言。 PWE的一些黑色电视台即使在德国观众中也很受其欢迎,尽管他们怀疑它们的真实面目,因为与德国自己严格管理的电视台相比,这些节目是如此出色,并能为他们提供更多真实的信息。
(Propaganda takes many forms, and there are many different levels on which it operates. White propaganda is the most obvious type, clearly coming from the side broadcasting it. Many of the films released during the war are thinly disguised white propaganda and morale-boosting efforts. Grey propaganda usually has no clearly identifiable source, and black propaganda purports to be from one side when it is, in fact, being issued by the other. Black propaganda neatly sells the lie the broadcaster wants by carefully mixing together gossip, fiction, and truth. Some of PWE’s black stations are very popular amongst their German audiences, even though they suspect them for what they are, because the programmes are just so good and give them more true information than Germany’s own strictly regulated stations.)

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Re: 【简易翻译】注意!克苏鲁 调查员指南【第二章】
« 回帖 #25 于: 2020-03-13, 周五 19:11:19 »
(Section M, Metropole Hotel, London)
《泰晤士报》编辑 收
(FAO: The Editor, The Times)
(Would much rather you didn’t print those “monstrous” pictures - not in the national interest. Will make it worth your while.)
(A. owton)